
I think it was Peter Force who said (correct me if I am wrong): "Buy books and then buy Knives" - I think that is good advice.

What Books should every knife owner have? Here are two of my favorites.


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The pocket guide is great resource for Case knives. Sargents is a must have for Case Tested.


These are my favorite. I couldn't be without the Levine guide.


Someone has recommended to me "Knives can Talk" by Tom Kalcevic and "Goins Ency of Knives".

Anyone have any recommendations on these??

Of Course these are very helpful

Some great ones mentioned so far and my personal favorite I use almost all the time Official Price Guide to Collector Knives the Fifteenth Edition By C. Houston Price and iKC's own Mark Zalesky(Also the Editor of Knife World)

This is a great old read "The Romance of Knife Collecting" - I recommend it.

This is a good history of the Case family and their early years and start in the Cutlery Business.

THATS MY MOTTO KEN! THANX!... youll see it on other knife sites as well as my "signature"  .. i have in collection 1{wioth wife} over 100+knife books.. but i have added aleady about 10-15 more since i moved out.


my other MOTTO KENis this "YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TO MANY KNIFE BOOKS" so as far as reccomendations..i would say anything sharp and old GRAB///buyevery knife book you see ...but hold out...bottom feed and ebay them or ,dont forget your local library!....i would also say ot just books,catalogs,pamphlets.ectect!

ihavethe smaleest oflillt epamphelts i found on floor of knife show..it wa only 4 pages but it had BEAR NGC kbnives in it as well as the only BEAR MGC knie catalog that also had KEEN KUTTER KNIVES... i even wrote BEAR and they had nothing for me with ken kutter.


i will admit that i got very lucky and about 80++ of my books including KELLY's KNIFE REPAIR BOOK and best of all "KNIFEMAKERS THAT WENT WEST" PLATTS last book! i grabbed all at a yard sale..firs te ever the entire box was knife books ,EVER! ...10$... so i got very very luck.. i have a huge amount of the FERGUSON little books and think tehey are neat!  

OH AND KEN THAT IS A BIG YES ON GOINS...he printed 2 books...i own both and have a second copy of his first.was sent in trade... whats funny is with all the books i have ...i have aother o its ay!...one that wil help IKC and other knifers even more!   HEY THIS IS A GREAT TOPIC... i will compile a written list and post it for ya... also try so much not o buy knife porn{you know books to just drool over,unless you want}...go for the informton books.

i personally am looking for a used copy of the SCHATT AND MORGAN BOOK..their is only one..their are 2 reprints of the catalogs but at 55$ thats steep!


i know i go on and on..im sorry BU*T LAST BUT NOT LEAST...when i say buy knife boks,learn,then buy knives...i also mean tolarn aboutfakes and so forth....you can do this many more ways ten just getting a book on how to spott fake knives{although} ot woill help great!... BUY BOOKS WITH AS MUCH INFORATION ON THE KNIVES YOU WANNA COLLECT... by doing this y ou will get use to what steeel the bolsters are ,what exact shape,lenght,ectect ...pin placement... you wil learn about shields ... most dnt know one simple thing.


ps- i see steve P case book... gbooks like that i always grab right from the writer along with a knife  2 and have em sign it all up!..im a KNIFEKNERD!!! did you expect any less... LOL.. anyway i have a link out their somwher ith like 10-20 books postyed ill find it and post the link... but in order...buy books on te knives you are going to collect,then books on the knife industry itself.. so many thingthat have happened in the cutolery business.patents and things that changed ...will open yourmind ore to what right nor not right about your knife.


like craig has listed levines guides are geat...but i know their was something up0 with the very last one...HE HAD NO PART IN IT,LEVINE THAT IS. also i se craig you have STEVES CASE knie book... i have one of those myself ..of ocurse i had it signed wita few kinives ...LOL!...  anyway gret subject..ill be back here more...


AND KEN I HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT SINCE 2007! ///read,learn,buy..done!

oh and knife world rocks.











steve agree!...both great books!
Steve Hanner said:

Some great ones mentioned so far and my personal favorite I use almost all the time Official Price Guide to Collector Knives the Fifteenth Edition By C. Houston Price and iKC's own Mark Zalesky(Also the Editor of Knife World)


yes..i have lost of these...love em...

Ken Spielvogel said:

This is a great old read "The Romance of Knife Collecting" - I recommend it.

Peter, I remember you saying that awhile back and it has stuck with me "Buy books then buy Knives" - excellent advice. You sure have a lot of books. I will look for Goins on your recommendation. What do you know about "Knives can Talk" by Tom Kalcevic???

"You can never have to many Knife books" - another good motto. My signature is "The Talking Knives".  Thanks Peter for all your insight on great knife books. Look forward to your posting your list.

Catalog's help also:

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