So I bought this meteorite metal folding knife at a pawn shop and i'm curious if anyone can help me find out/ identify the maker. Here are a couple pictures. It's a gorgeous knife.





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You might send a couple of pictures with an email to J. Bruce Voyles at www.jbrucevoyles.com. If anyone would know it probably would be him. 

Here is the Meteorite Damascus being created with some Campo Del Cielo meteorite. Randy Jr. forge welding Meteorite Damascus.  Randy, HHH Knives 

I just put that in because it is fun to watch but forging the meteorite was hard work!

No I didn't pay too much for it. I have a buddy that is a Gemologist and he was looking over the knife and came to that conclusion. I'm not as concerned as much with the metal that it's made from as to who made it. I've been collecting blades since I was a young kid. Thank you to everyone that has taken time to respond to this. Oh and yes I understand essentially every bit of metal is ultimately meteorite metal. every composite piece of earth is made from the collision of pieces from everywhere. That's just how planets are formed. lol. 

actually for how much I paid for it i'm pretty sure the pawn shop didn't even know what they had. I've had offers for allot more from other collectors I have  run in to.

Sounds all good, Martin.
In the absence of a maker's mark .. it's going to be darn difficult to identify the maker.

We're going to have to go on style alone ..&.. I've simply not seen one closely resembling the one you have.

Anyway .. we'll all keep looking. Perhaps .. someone will recognize the style.

D ale

thats the good thing about this hobby....  we can alway keep looking and searching 

and one day somewhere  you ( or someone else )  will come up with tha answer......   i am still looking for the creator of my buck 110 custom also

buck 110 FG who can tell me more ?

Yeah hence why I decided to join a close community i figure if anyone can Identify it. It' would be another collector. 

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