I'm in a knife slump!  It has been a month since I've bought a knife and I didn't even take pictures and post anything about that one yet. (It was a Soligen made Swiss Army Style  Korium "K" Knife.   These were the precursors to the Royal Crest line of crap knives, I believe.

I haven't been posting much for the last couple months.  It isn't that I am not interested in knives anymore.  As a matter fact, I've been reading quite a few threads but haven't had anything new  or relevant to add to the conversation. 

I've also kinda-sorta run out of knives I want to buy! Well at least out of knives I want to buy that are in my price range!   Rough Rider isn't really producing anything new in a pattern I like or want!   I've got scout/camp knives galore and the few people are making new ones.  There are a few older Swiss Army Knives I'm after but they are hard to come by.  Same goes with my marlin spike knives and some of the older military issue knives.  And then the toothpicks. Again the collection is pretty much complete.  I've got the ones I've been looking for!

Sure, life has got in the way with kids fleeing the nest, father in law passing away and other turmoil but even before all that, I was running out of knives I truly wanted to have.  I mean I've got close to 500!  They can't all be my Favorite!

No doubt, part of the slump is brought on by the demise of Knives Live TV!  The boys on the show kept me looking and thinking and wanting to buy.  I seriously doubt Mr. Pipes realizes how many sales he lost when cancelled that show!

In any case, has anyone else fallen into a knife slump?  I now know the meaning of "lost my edge."

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Tobias, Data found one, bought it, and sent it to Charles right before Christmas--- Here is Charles pic of the complete Rifleman series he posted the other day---

Well that looks like a cure for a knife slump.  Good Going Data and Charles!

The slump continues.  I realize now that part of what I'm doing is trying to sort through my collection and determine what knives I want to keep, which ones, I want to give to others, and which ones I'm going to sell. 

I think this is the natural evolution of knife collecting.  I'm slowly determining what knives have a true personal meaning.  Those are the real joy, no matter the pattern.  And then there are the patterns and the brands that I really like.  I'm sure those will be other keepers.  But then there are those that just sit there.  Those are the ones that will be sold or given away.  Surprisingly, some of those are pretty darn good knives -- but they just don't do it for me!

Anyway, despite all of this reflection on the collection, I still managed to pick up a a couple more knives.  One hasn't arrived yet but the other one arrived today; another 5 inch toothpick.  No doubt, I'll be hanging on to most of my toothpicks for some time.   The surprising thing about this one is it was made by Jim Frost.  Of course it is an older one that was Made in Japan and not the current production stuff out of Pakistan!    Very Hard to pass up a Frost "Cheetah" Toothpick if the price is right!  The bulk of my 5 inch Toothpick Collection.

WOW!  The Cheetah is nice and will be right at home there.  the Japan Frosts help build the name because actually they were fair quality at a good price

I would say I'm in a self prescribed slump for a few years now.  I think I bought only 4 knives last year, and so far just 1 this year.  However, I just moved into a new house in Oct, and the house was unfinished, so all my time and money are going towards the house to make it liveable.  At the moment, my whole family is sleeping next to the dining room table until we can get the upstairs insulated and drywalled, add lights and electric, and add heat.  Hopefully another month or 2 and we'll be able to sleep in bedrooms.

Carl, I'm sure part of my knife slump is due to the fact that I've got over 500 knives.  Now I know for some people that would be "just getting started" while others would ask "did you buy a couple  of those of 100 knives for $100 sets and which is your booth at the flea market!"

LOL Tobias...500 is good collection!

Carl, you have a great luxury while in your slump.  Going through your grandfathers collection is a dream for some of us

Yeah, that's true.  However he keeps selling off his collection 1 piece at a time.  But I am happy to help him do it, it keeps him active, and remembering where and when he bought each one keeps his mind active.  And he has a habit of still buying more while he's trying to sell others.  :)

LOL, Dont we all!!!

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