I thought I would start a discussion on something not related to knives, or maybe you have something related to knives to share that might generate a smile or give someone a good laugh. We all need to see the humor in life once in a while. I get some pretty funny e-mails sent to me once in a while. The snip thing in windows 7 make it easy to copy all most anything you want. I don't know if this is the right place to do this or not, but here it is anyway. Please feel free to add something to this discussion you might find funny. You may just make some one giggle or smile.

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Jan, that picture is hilarious!

ok, none family friend word in this one but FUNNY and true

Life from the seat of a tractor..
An old Farmer's Words of Wisdom we could all live by....... 
Final quote fits everyone...I don't care who you are
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered, ...not yelled.
Meanness doesn't just happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It doesn't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles. 
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty. 
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about, isn't ever going to happen anyway. 
Don't judge folks by their relatives. 
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
Don't interfere with something that isn't bothering you any. Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. 
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got. 
The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every morning.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Letting the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back in.
If you get to thinking you're a person of some influence, try ordering somebody else's dog around.
NEVER, NEVER kick a fresh cow pie  on a hot day
Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, 
Speak kindly.

And, finally.........................................
A man was helping one of his cows giving birth, when he noticed his 4 year old son standing wide-eyed at the fence, soaking in the whole event. The man thought" great, he's 4 and I'm going to have to start explaining the bees and the birds. No need to jump the gun- I'll just let him ask, and I'll answer."
After everything was over, the man walked over to his son and said" Well, son, do you have any questions?"

" Just one," gasped the still wide eyed lad, "How fast was that calf going when he hit that cow?"

LOL!!!  Really, really really fast!

ROFL!!!!!  It was the carrots fault

After meeting several of her friends and former school mates, they were sitting at a table where he is yawning and overly bored.The band cranks up and people start dancing.

There's a guy on the dance floor living it large, break dancing, moon walking, back flips, he is buying drinks for people, the works.

Wife turns to husband and says" see that guy? 25 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down"

Husband says to wife" looks like he is still celebrating!!!"

Ha! (Hope she dont see that!)

No matter how politically incorrect, I will say it.  In fact I will shout it!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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