After my latest fishing trip, which I discussed in this group earlier, I decided to look into the design and creation of a handmade multi-purpose hiking staff. There is one on the market made by Crawford that is amazing in its versatility, but it's a little spendy for my blood, so I decided to make my own. YouTube has some good videos on this subject. Does anyone have any experience making one that they would be willing to share with the Group?

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you better be careful with the one that has the lever you don;t want to stick that one in the ground...
Just a short update on my survivalist's hiking staff.  I went fishing the other day and had to hike some really rough trails and terrain to get to the "perfect spot."  My hiking staff performed like a champ.  It kept me from losing my balance several times on the trail and walking through some large beds of river gravel and rock outcroppings.  Plus, it was a great traction device on the uphill climb.  Even came in handly reaching across a little rivulet of the main river to retrieve my water bottle that I forgot I had left to cool in the rivulet and didn't have to wade across to get it.  I love that thing!


I am so glad it worked out so well for you.  Thanks for keeping us up to date on it

Thanks Jan!  Now, I have about 6 or 8 poles out in my garage that should be dry enough to make more survivalist's hiking staffs.  Do you have any ideas of new features that I could build into one or more of them?
Terry, I've been working on a bunch of staffs lately, I'll have to post some pictures.
Terry, give me a chance to get the girls to post my stuff before you start. School starting soon and they have jobs so it's not easy for me to get em on my projects. Wait it won't be too long.
Robert, Can I share my walking staff?
You bet, Miss Jan. I have never had a bunch all ready at one time for all to see the different ones I make. I have a few almost ready.
Robert, no problem.  I'm really looking forward to seeing your stuff.   Thanks.

Robert Burris said:
Terry, give me a chance to get the girls to post my stuff before you start. School starting soon and they have jobs so it's not easy for me to get em on my projects. Wait it won't be too long.

Terry, here is some pictures of some I am working on. There's alot you can do to mix it up, carve a face or an eye. In alot that I make I enlet old coins, like an Indian Head Nickel or a Mecury Dime depending on how big around the end is. You will notice the cedars, people love them also on some you can add a little paint. There is so many things you can do, your imagination is your limit. Let me know if you have questions.


Miss Jan, I think Donnie is gonna need a staff if y'all go walking together. What do you think?
Robert, those staffs are very cool!  I especially like the faces you've carved into them.  I'll have to try that myself.  Thanks for sharing your pictures.

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