Hey look what I have to give away Image result for small smiley face (Thank you Danny and Tracey Reed)


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Hello everyone and good morning. So far I have been carrying my new Cougar Creek knife for almost a month. It has become my EDC with NO regrets.Other than I would have loved to have kept it in pristine condition, but, it is serving its purpose and so far ... very well. I will post pics as soon as my new battery is charged later this afternoon.I have been cutting plastic wrap from frame buggies, ( about 20 to 50 a day ). frame buggies are approximately 2 feet wide by 6 feet long by 5 to 7 feet tall. they are wrapped in plastic wrap to keep the parts from falling off and getting lost in the journey from lumber plant to assembly plant.After cutting wrap, then I  cut the strings that tie the lumber down to the buggies (the bigger parts). while doing my job.. (building the frames )I encounter all sorts of reasons to use this knife. everything from sharpening pencils and crayons to digging splinters out of my fingers,arms,legs and stomach .this knife has done very well at cutting and sharpening but lacks the fine point for digging splinters. It will dig the larger splinters just fine. Some of the smaller splinters ( usually in the hands and arms ) I still need my Little Toothpicks (Case or GEC) to get the job done. Not having to reach into my pocket for the smaller knives,( because of my gloves ) , is extremely nice. I have tied a homemade lanyard, out of para-cord via the lanyard hole in tail of knife.This makes back-pocket extraction very quick and painless.The knife has a long nail groove which makes opening easier. Opening the blade is easy and the closing is a good snap. Very appropriate.  I have not had to sharpen it as of yet. tho. I have stropped it a couple of times on my fine diamond pocket stone .The ( EDGE ) ;-) has held up extremely well.The fit and finish is a good solid 9. The handles are comfortable and most people I have shown it to, think they are dyed wood..because of the grain look.The balance is good for this style of knife also. All in all , this is a very nice , quality knife. I very much like the style of the blade. The belly and length make it a great cutting - slashing style and the spear point make it a good penetrating style. I am very pleased with it, and overly joyed with the opportunity to win this knife. I have entered many contests here, and am tickled that this was the one that I was lucky enough to win ! Thank you Jan and the good people at Cougar Creek for giving me this great knife ! It will be used daily, and appreciated daily .( I show it off daily also ) Again.... Thank you ... This came at a Great time for me ! I will post pics later this afternoon.


I cannot tell you how happy I am that you have been enjoying this knife.  The Cougar Creeks are built with the user in mind and built to last.  Doing the Happy Dance for you buddy! 


Thanks for the review!  We really appreciate the feedback.  It is so great to hear from someone who is putting the Teton Mountain Lockback through the paces and is pleased with it.   

And thank YOU Miss Jan for including one of our Cougar Creek knives in your fun contest.  We appreciate all of your efforts.

Tracey Reed said:


Thanks for the review!  We really appreciate the feedback.  It is so great to hear from someone who is putting the Teton Mountain Lockback through the paces and is pleased with it.   

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