Hi there Russell knife lovers.

As I'll be flying in for the knife event this year I'm  wondering who would like to meet up?



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Did I mention I was interviewed by Channel 5?


(there used to be a video there. Just a transcript now sadly)

Then there's some work by a maker that I own a piece from. Mr Suchat Jangtanong of Thailand (he wasn't there personally but the man who represents him had plenty to go around)

D'Holder wasn't present at his table when I was there. And he was close to sold out after a day already. (I believe he cleared his table that weekend)

Ed and Tanya van Hoy who invited me to come stay with them if I'm ever in the neighbourhood and who had quite a long drive in front of them at the end (Virginia if I'm not misstaken)

Ed makes his own Stainless Damascus

David Lemoine who makes some very functional and sometimes stunning blades:

Some really incredible knives. Thank you for taking the time to post these. No question, a premier event that was well attended.

As a finishing touch I'll see if I can dig up some pictures of the Russell shop. But I'll start a different topic for that one since that isn't exactly the Show.

One year I MUST make it to this show

You should Jan. Three days seems like a but much for such a small show.....untill you get to talking to people.

I can't believe I left out Robert Flynt. I had such fun talks with him. One of the funniest people I've met while there.

He only had a couple of knives with him (3) but they were exquisite. One in particulair was a 3 bladed slipjoint with a dagger grind and the main blade has a lockback/midlock.

Here's the images I had of it.:

Him and his partner at their table

A nice little ivory whittler

A little ivory trapper

And last but DEFINATELY not least, the masterpiece, he told me it was fashioned after a very old Sheffield pattern from (I think) the 1800's.

Just look at the details and the polish of that thing.

And that grind.....

Secondary blades:

I know I said Robert Flynt....but I meant Robert Browne....soo many names...and I could have known just from the first picture.


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