Member needs and prayer requests

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I'm praying Johnny.

Guys I ask that you would all continue in prayers.
My Grandmother suffered another stroke last night. So far there has been little improvement in her health, she can't move her right side very much, but she was able to pick her arm up. She can't speak right now. They did some tests, but we won't know the extent of the damage until later today or sometime tomorrow.

Prayers are desperately needed guys.

we are praying for her johnny we ask that her health improve soon and keep your spirit's high sir......

Thank you all for praying, it has really boosted the morale.
We just got word from the doc and it seems like we can expect a better recovery than what we had initially thought. He says that there is damage, but in his experience he believes that she can overcome this. She will be in the hospital for weeks he said, so we have to keep faith and be there for her.

I know she knows who we are, she just can't say it. 

Time and healing, the Lord will be with us all I know.


I am so glad to hear that things are looking up.  The prayers continue for your family, please Hug them for me also.  I know this has been a tough month or so.  God be with you my friend

More prayers on the way my friend.

Another update on our young man.  He seems to be doing great on the goats milk, they have even been able to give him a little cereal with it.  God Bless all of you for keeping the prayers going.  Looks like the youngster will be ok, who knows he may even grow up to be a knife collector :)


Anymore good news on your grandmother?

Robert and Pat,

Good to see you both on here and feeling better

Jan, I just looked back a couple of pages and I see your prayer request. I am sending prayers for recovery immediately. It's good to see that things are looking better.

We our praising the Lord daily for my Grandmothers recovery. She looks better everyday and the Docs think she will make a full recovery. They moved her from the ICU, so they trust she will be okay from here on out. Right now, it's all about getting her into a stroke recovery and rehabilitation center. Again, being where we are we have some great choices for her care.

I have full faith in the Lord that she will recover and will be doing great. 

Thanks all for the prayers and I continue to pray for the needs of my fellow members.

Robert, how are you feeling my friend?

Good to hear Johnny, prayer will being sent to you and yours.  Let us know about progress

Praise the Lord, the recovery is coming along fantastically.
She said, "yeah" today, it was the first thing she has said since her stroke. She surprised us all and herself, she tried hard and was able to say about 12 different words. We are thankful for everyone of them. She repeated the words a few times and was so excited to be talking again. When we left, She was really played out, so the road to full recovery will take some time, but the Lord is with us.

Thanks again for all the wonderful prayers sent to our Lord.

WOOHOO!!!   That IS exciting.  We will keep the prayers coming and you keep the love flowing to her.  She'll make it with all the good thoughts and prayers headed her way

That's great news, Johnny.

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