Howdy Boys,
Been a tad remiss on checking in here -that time of year for me.  But I got an email from iKnife / Miss Ruth this AM.  She seems very anxious to be my friend for vague reasons, And it seems that I need to send her my email and contact info.
Anyone else had such an invite?  If so, I suspect some kind'a fraud.  Heads up knifers!

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Thanks Scott, but I fear I've reached the point in life I ain't gon'na learn anything else.

You've heard that. "We spend half out lives getting stuff and the second half trying to get rid of it." ?  Substitute the words "figuring out" & "forgetting" and see how it fits w/ you.  Some of the things I've given up figuring out are about half the buttons on my cell-phone & the TV remote.  Included in things I'm trying to forget include -for example- who the fathers of Britanny Spear's children are and my share of the national debt.

Scott King said:

You are too funny, Bill. Figured I was going to need to hop on a plane to come show you :) Seriously, let me know if I can help on using the site.

Bill Harvey said:

OH!   -there's the picture -a body has to push the  right button.

Don, you scared me to death. I get notices and saw your "Miss Rosie is alive and well" and thought how the heck did that happen. You know I'm screaning all new members now and thought, man, they are getting crafty to have passed my  new process. 

I jumped on the site and straight to members. There is one new member that I suspected, but approved that person anyway. Nope, no spammer there. Then I headed straight to the "activity list" down the side of the page to see if I could see the spammer's activity there. Nope no long list of spam there either.

Then I went back and re-read the email notificiation sent out when you posted and noticed it was a YouTube link. There I saw her. Thank goodness she was there and not here :)

So I am happy to report my new system is still holding up (though one day, I'll approve a spammer unknowingly, I'm sure).

Don Reeves said:

yeah right :)  not that kind.

Don Reeves said:
love the Adrenalin rush....
She has been contacting all of you? I thought she was the one.
I feel kind of dumb now. I sure am glad I did'nt introduce her to my mom.

Love the " whole lotta Rosie" tag.
I found out where all of Miss Ruths "Girls" went.  Was bombarded by 8 messages, on My Space, in the last 24 hours.  Bout time to move shop.
They just want to be friends JJ. lol

Must be a once a month thing...

had 11 more messages on "MySpace" , last night...

J.J. Smith III said:

I found out where all of Miss Ruths "Girls" went.  Was bombarded by 8 messages, on My Space, in the last 24 hours.  Bout time to move shop.

I would say cold steels  san mai kukri that will go through bolth bone and tennon with little effort.Then we could have a BBQ (the secret is in the sauce :)) Then post picts of the mounted head as a warning to all spamers BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Jim!!! I got a new Benchmade Bedlam, that needs to broken in, think that's big enough?
Stay Sharp

Jim Child said:
Yeah, there's been a flurry of spam coming in from a bevy of vague "interested" women. I guess some hacker "broke in" to the iKC database and copied out all our email addresses.

As I get older and time fleets so much faster, I'm losing all patience with anyone who wastes my time. In keeping with the theme of our forum I say that spammers should be drawn and quartered. ...and we can spend some time debating which sharp implement is best for drawing and quartering! ...any votes for the Buck 110? LOL


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