Howdy Boys,
Been a tad remiss on checking in here -that time of year for me.  But I got an email from iKnife / Miss Ruth this AM.  She seems very anxious to be my friend for vague reasons, And it seems that I need to send her my email and contact info.
Anyone else had such an invite?  If so, I suspect some kind'a fraud.  Heads up knifers!

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Yeah, i just got an email from I-knife from a person with this email: lissa4love_u@hotmail.fr
I have received a few other emails like this. Thankfully your community watch program has taken care of these suspicious emails.
I have, from LISSA and I don't go for it, scam or hookers, who knows?
Well, when ever you get one of these messages, just click on the little "x", in the upper right corner and it goes away. Only wish it was as simple to get rid of these "pirates".

Stand by to repel borders!!!
Don, gotta have a little fun.

Don Reeves said:
what has this turned into the ENDLESS forum.....
I just got one the sae way from a Lisa.It's a scam, so don't contact them.Dave
Help, Lissa has reached out and touched me and I feel dirty all over!

Dave Cole said:
I just got one the sae way from a Lisa.It's a scam, so don't contact them.Dave
Hey Dave!! The holidays bring out those who offer more than good will.
Stay Sharp

Terry Waldele said:
Help, Lissa has reached out and touched me and I feel dirty all over!

Dave Cole said:
I just got one the sae way from a Lisa.It's a scam, so don't contact them.Dave
Ya'll don't believe Ms. Lissa just wants to be friends.
I collect mostly the older stuff, so Mrs. Santa always puts a box of SOS pads and a can of high quality gun/tool oil in my stocking every year. The first year she thought she was being funny, but I used 'em more than any other gift I got that year. The joke was on her. Now it's become sort of a tradition. I reckon simple minds require only simple things. Ya'll keep yer edges honed and yer joints oiled. Rob P.S. If them "Ladys" would send a pic with their first messages, they might actually get a few replies. (look before you leap. LOL!)

Bill Harvey said:
Hi Knife-Folks,

I do a web newsletter about this time of year for giving gifts to collectors. Can I ask what kind of gifts you have gotten in support of your knife collecting that really made your day? Not knives, but generic stuff that might appeal to collectors of all stripes.

And thank you all for the recent birthday felicitations.

Howdy Rob,
Thanks for your post. I've said it before, the best thing a body can give a collector is not necessarily a collectible item, but instead something to support the collection. Good for your wife! Scrubby pads & oil are a great example. May I suggest adding an assortment of steel wool, a small can of turps, small bottle of ammonia cleanser, and some cotton rags.
Someone suggested cardboard boxes a few days ago. Not as silly as it sounds. If you have enough of any-dang-collectible, it might be worth the time to drop into a packaging store and see how far $25 would go in nice, clean, perfectly / identically sized, cardboard boxes.
And I'm slammed thru the end of the year and can't do a thing about it, so I feel it's OK to remind one & all that I make some pretty terrific gifts for knife collectors at www.home-museum.com.
Howdy Rob,
Thanks for your post. I've said it before, the best thing a body can give a collector is not necessarily a collectible item, but instead something to support the collection. Good for your wife! Scrubby pads & oil are a great example. May I suggest adding an assortment of steel wool, a small can of turps, small bottle of ammonia cleanser, and some cotton rags.
Someone suggested cardboard boxes a few days ago. Not as silly as it sounds. If you have enough of any-dang-collectible, it might be worth the time to drop into a packaging store and see how far $25 would go in nice, clean, perfectly / identically sized, cardboard boxes.
And I'm slammed thru the end of the year and can't do a thing about it, so I feel it's OK to remind one & all that I make some pretty terrific gifts for knife collectors at www.home-museum.com.

Bill Harvey said:
Hi Knife-Folks,

I do a web newsletter about this time of year for giving gifts to collectors. Can I ask what kind of gifts you have gotten in support of your knife collecting that really made your day? Not knives, but generic stuff that might appeal to collectors of all stripes.

And thank you all for the recent birthday felicitations.

Bein' a cigar smoker, I sure like it when the girls get me a couple of boxes of cigars. Not only do I store knives in them I also store pits in them too.

Bill Harvey said:
Howdy Rob,
Thanks for your post. I've said it before, the best thing a body can give a collector is not necessarily a collectible item, but instead something to support the collection. Good for your wife! Scrubby pads & oil are a great example. May I suggest adding an assortment of steel wool, a small can of turps, small bottle of ammonia cleanser, and some cotton rags.
Someone suggested cardboard boxes a few days ago. Not as silly as it sounds. If you have enough of any-dang-collectible, it might be worth the time to drop into a packaging store and see how far $25 would go in nice, clean, perfectly / identically sized, cardboard boxes.
And I'm slammed thru the end of the year and can't do a thing about it, so I feel it's OK to remind one & all that I make some pretty terrific gifts for knife collectors at www.home-museum.com.


White River Knives

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