Spring and Summer time is coming and protection from the sun will be needed. My question is "What is Your Favorite Hat"?

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I'm a little late for this discussion but just saw it this morning. I have an old worn out felt wool crusher that I wear in cooler weather but usually wear a baseball hat in the summer, my favorite is a Colonel Coon Knives baseball that I wear when I go out on the town.

I love that hat in my badge picture, it's great for summer outtings. It has a chin strap I can use so it won't blow off my head in a boat ride. I got it from an mail in outfitter, I can't remmer which one right now.

I feel the same way, but theres alot of nice hats more outdoors type. Check out Cabellas and LL Bean's, they may have what you are lookinf for.

The Filson is mine when John will let me borrow it.

John is one handsome dude with that hat, you probably don't get to use it often!!!

Good hat, Great dog.

The filson and John are great down town or in the woods. Never seen a faster dog. He can cover 100ft in about 3 sec.

i tryed to give my dog harley a hat.bad ideal he ate it

Harley looks like he enjoyed that hat, quite tasty.

My latest...havent even gotten around to making a hatband yet. 

My wife took the pic on the way back from a fireworks display last night.

Nice one JJ, let us see it when you get the hatband on it too?

Nice hat J.J. !

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