Hey, Everyone!

National Knife Day is coming up on August 24th -- that's ten days from today!  

Okay, so this is totally a retail-created "holiday", but there's nothing holy about it -- unless you worship knives or pray at the altar of consumerism -- ha!  Regardless, I indulge/imbibe/partake, whatever word you want to use to indicate participation (please excuse my verbose meanderings -- I just got done playing Wordle AND Spelling Bee).

Anyway, something that's long been a difficult question about how to properly celebrate:  Do you buy your knife/knives ON National Knife Day, or try to time a knife purchase BEFORE National Knife Day so that it arrives on that day (& cross your fingers you time it right)?  The knife retailers that "celebrate" 8/24 seem to advertise mostly on or just before the day, probably thinking that's the best way to sell more...

So far I've tried both, & neither seems to be better than the other.  They both involve obtaining new knives, so how could either be bad?  (Shut up, wallet!)

How about you?  Do you celebrate National Knife Day?  If so, do you indulge by making a new acquisition on the day, or before?  Or do you celebrate by *GASP* appreciating the knives you already own?  Of course, there's always the possibility of doing both -- or even celebrating those knives that have come before, or perhaps certain special knives you've loved, & lost...

For me, I haven't quite yet decided how I'm going to approach it this year..  But celebrate I will!

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Awesome! Yes I do celebrate the day....

I celebrate by taking the day off from work to spend quality time with all my knives. We get all polished up (the shiny version with a small "p", not the ethnic version with a capitol "P" - that would be me), then maybe play in the kitchen and make some sausage. For sure we'll do some knife shopping...Duh! Actual purchase is TBD. 

[Insert promo for the 2023 iKC calendar] You know, this date is already labeled on the annual iKC calendars! Pretty convenient. 

Just not sure yet what the manner of dress should be...with tie or business casual? 

I'm sitting here with a vision in my head of Lars in the kitchen "polishing" his knives and then cutting up some "Polish" sausage!  Ha!  For me, it's always National Knife Day.  Rarely wait for any particular day to buy a knife.  To do so, would probably cause me to miss out on something I've wanted or might want.  Case in point is the last Moki I bought.  Had I not acted quickly .... I would have been up the creek without a paddle.  The dealer I bought it from is now sold out.  So, to get one would now cost me double at the other sources I located.  Anyway .... I normally don't buy a knife to celebrate the "holiday" .... but I do send out a ton of emails wishing family and friend a happy holiday ... mainly to remind them of my obsession ( sure, like they could ever forget!!)

Lars, Czesc!  It's gotta be business casual.  As someone who'd been wearing business casual for most of my working life, I'm not a fan.  So what better clothes to be "accidentally" shredded from playing with knives?  :)

Enjoy that polishing & Polishing (the sausage, that is)...  And I can't wait to hear what you finally decide on for a purchase!

Baw sie dobrze!

Dennis, I'm with you about not waiting for the day to purchase (oh, what we would miss if we waited!).  But I'm so glad you're out wishing family & friends Happy Knife Day -- we should all do more of that!  :P

Have fun!

DLKG - Cześć przyjacielu! Oh the anticipation is palatable. To think it's just hours away....I'm giddy with excitement!

OK - I got the outfit all picked out - Doing the black cargo slacks with the 70's psychedelic paisley shirt - sans tie. I'll look like the fourth missing member of Three Dog Night! It's mind blowing, I know - but then so is the day!  :-D

Too much on the schedule to actually make sausage tomorrow - bummer. But....I have some killer kielbasa out for dinner with beer, so that will have to do. I will, however, make time for the knives - no doubt.

There is a sweet French Mannlicher Berthier M1893 bayonet with scabbard I am courting...she's a real looker...we'll see about her.  Then there is this wz98NZ Polish Army Assault knife I have been chasing - the early 90's non-saw variation. Not sure if I can swing it yet, but we'll see. If nothing else, I'll have fun window shopping!

I wish you and Denis both - and all iKC'ers for that matter - a wonderful and joyous Knife Day! And may your knife purchase be worth the water and crackers you must eat until it is paid for. 

Do dnia!

Well, it was a great National Knife Day.  Didn't buy anything .... but I gifted three knives and shared a lot of smiles!!

I thought you got to buy both before and the day of..I always get these things wrong

Happy National Knife Day!

I bought three knives from a co-worker and received them Monday.  All of  them need(ed) a bit of TLC to some degree or another, so I have been working on getting them cleaned up a bit every evening since then.

The USN MK2 is all finished up.  I threw a few pics up in the restoration group.

Enjoy this week!

Lars, I'm all for that paisley shirt, man!  And cargo slacks -- because pockets...  Joy to the world, & all that!

That bayonet sounds incredibly interesting (not dissing the Polish Army Assault Knife, not at all!).  I hope to see photos of whichever (or both), since I really don't know what either looks like.

I've been too busy today to do much window shopping, but I did do some.  I'll probably wind down tonight doing more.  You know me, living that dangerous life.  (Well, dangerous to my budget anyway.)

Dzisiaj jest ten dzień!

Dennis, you're like the Santa of National Knife Day -- that sounds better than buying something!

Glad it was a great day!

Jan, you definitely get to buy both on the day & before.  And after -- I mean, there's knives you had on your gift list that you didn't buy/receive/otherwise obtain, so, standard holiday rules apply!!!  :)

This especially applies to you, hosting & maintaining this forum for all of us...  Just wanted to say thank you for that, and for making sure we have a forum that's not just civil, but actually friendly.  We don't say it enough:  THANK YOU!  :)

Kevin, that's a great way to do it -- Knife Week, all week!  And Happy National Knife Day to you!

Now I'm going to go over to the restoration group & check out that MK2.

Enjoy the knives!

Kevin D said:

Happy National Knife Day!

I bought three knives from a co-worker and received them Monday.  All of  them need(ed) a bit of TLC to some degree or another, so I have been working on getting them cleaned up a bit every evening since then.

The USN MK2 is all finished up.  I threw a few pics up in the restoration group.

Enjoy this week!

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