I am the den leader for our cub scouts here in Lee NH(seacoast). This is the age (8 yo) when they get their "whittling chip". Essentially a meeting where they learn about knife safety, and sharpening. After this they can carry a pocket knife at Cub functions. I thought it would be much more interesting to have a collector share some of his stuff at this meeting, and maybe a better sharpening lesson than I can give. There are 8 kids with their parents so crowd control is not an issue. Can anyone help? We meet on tues evenings and I can arrange for it to be whichever tues can fit your schedule. Thanks

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Don make's a good point.
I agree, now having thought about it, this was not the venue to invite our guest speaker. We frequently have guest come to our pack meetings to add depth to the cub scout program, however they are usually someone known to the scouts parents. I just invited a stranger to come to our meeting remarkably well armed. OOOPs. It is a credit to this group that you saw this mistake and politely kept me from this mistake. I am glad I found this forum though so I can learn more about my own collection that is starting to form up.
Matthew .. when my son was in cubbies .. one boy's fathers was a local cop .. he was asked to give a presentation on "gun safety" ..

.. rural farming community in WI, pop 5362 .. most fathers were sportsman .. most had firearms in the house & were responsibly teaching our kids the safe & responsible handling of fire-arms .. and we thought it would be a good idea to have a police officer emphasize this ..

The actual presentation scared the beejeesuz out of most parents .. a few LEFT the presentation ..

I commend you for using all resources possible to help the kids .. glad you're intoducing knives as tools to the kids .. would use a little caution when it comes to "weapons" .. freaks many people out .. !!!

@ the age of the kids .. I'd keep it nice & simple for the time being .. just try to keep em from cutting themselves .. or others ..

:) .. Good Luck .. (:
Try ordering Sharpening Made Easy by Steve Bottorff you can order a copy from Knife World Books www.knifeworld.com
If you need a few knive let me know I will send you a few swiss army knives .Lets make this fun for them as they are the futher knife collectors and will remenber this most of there life
I am encouraging the parents to help make this a big deal for the guys, and have a pocketknife ready to give them that night. My son has worked this summer to earn the money for his. I will pick up that book to sharpen my skills as well as theirs.

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