Good day guys,

I have hit a new millestone! I have finally translated my website to English! I know it's not a proper english and it's not flawless but I did my best. The idea came up when a few of you let me know that google translator was working fine with my webpage; and since my intention is to publicy the classic Spanish cutlery I thought "what the h***, I will translate the website so everyone could visit it" and so I did, I am gladly to annouce that Artesania Herreros is now available on English which will ease a lot my communication with you all! 

You can access it from www.artesaniaherreros.es/en/ Also, following the advice from some of you I have hired the .com domain and it will be automatically redirect to the .es version soon!

In order to thank you all for your constant support and advices I have decided to upload three really special pieces.

The first one is a classic studded folding knife bedecked with a plate brass cord. I tried to manufacture something more tricky than the usual ones, it's not the hardest one but it looks good and this way I can show you how ornamental is the classic spanish cutlery. More information on the following link.

The second piece is the classic folding knife from Albacete, it's called Albaceteña and it has that shape. It's usually made with a bullhorn handle and bedecked superior and lower bolsters made on nickel silver. But I made it with American polished buffallo horn as a fusion between the Spanish style and the raw materials from US. This folding knife is the economic version of the one that has been awarded by the Albacete's Cutlery Museum back in 2011 as the best classic folding knife (really proud of it). It can be found here.

And the third one is my favorite, it's the classical bushcraft folding knife! what :O? It's a folding knife which combines the classic spanish style with some bushcraft utilities. I got the inspiration from the memories shared with my Grandfather and now with my son, from time to time we leave behind the cold and dead city and we walk into the wild. I dedicate this folding knife to my son, who is a bushcraft and outdoor user and more than that, to the nature. You can see the full history here.

I hope you all like them as much as I do, and let me thanks you all guys, it's a pleasure to be part of this little family and I am sorry if I cannot post very often, I have to do it on the weekends!

Best regards,

José Antonio Herreros Gómez

Tags: 440, Albacete, American, Aprecu, Chivani, Nickel, Stainless, Steel, bolster, buffalo, More…bushcraft, chivani, classic, deer, fernández, folding, horn, knife, lower, manuel, museum, palanquilla, panadés, rodea, silver, spring, stag, system, teja, upper

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Looks great, Jose! I really like the first picture posted there. Very nice. Might have to look into one of those for myself!

Thank you John, really appreciate the help :)!!

John Bamford said:

Thanks Steve for your kind words! I'd love to see my folding knives travelling worldwide ;) !

I almost forget! I made a youtube channel!! you can view that folding knife on the following link:


Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said:

Looks great, Jose! I really like the first picture posted there. Very nice. Might have to look into one of those for myself!

Wow these look beautiful!

Thank you Bryan!!

Bryan W said:

Wow these look beautiful!

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