Recently several new groups are open and ready for discussion, pictures, information, whatever! Check these new groups out!


Special Ops Group-S.O.G. knives started by Stephen Tungate


In this group talk about sog knifes and what can be done with them, also show your newest sog finds..


Irish Knife Collectors started by John Lynch


If you own, carry collect pocket knives or multitools of any description, this is the place for you. So pull up a stoo; and have yourself a nice pint of cold guinness


Knife patterns started by Ivars Duntavs

All over the world knife patterns. Different types, size, styles…
We will talk about old traditional and new knife patterns. If you know pattern which nobody really knows, please give world to know!


Case Peanut Group started by Nick Hansen
For all the people here that can appreciate the usefulness and size of this particular knife made by W.R. Case and Sons. Lets discuss the Case Peanut.


Pick one, pick em all and join the discussion and the fun. Find these groups and many more by clicking groups at the top of the page. You can then sort your selection of groups to find exactly what you are looking for.

Tags: New, groups

Views: 155

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Hog, do you have to be Irish to join?
I'm pretty sure John will welcome anybody to his discussion!

Robert Burris said:
Hog, do you have to be Irish to join?
Hog .. in your opening discussion text .. could / would you change the "Caps & bold" part to a link to the actual discussion !?!
Great idea Dale!

D ale said:
Hog .. in your opening discussion text .. could / would you change the "Caps & bold" part to a link to the actual discussion !?!

And now there is the Camillus Club



Congratulations Toby!  You know we never had a camillus group before because we didn't have you! Best of luck and should be a great group.

Tobias Gibson said:

And now there is the Camillus Club



Okay! I'm just about to give up. How come there is not a Schrade Collectors group? Poor Schrade is treated like everfyone's red-headed step-child (no offense meant to redheads or step-children!).

Anyway, I'm headed up to the local fairgrounds to help my wife take down our booth -- the Maine Fiber Frolic was this weekend (kick yourself if you missed it!).

IF, this evening, when I sit back down here, SOMEONE has not started a Schrade Collectors iKC group I'm gonna do it.

Get busy! You gave four hours! Please don't force me to volunteer!
Jim, if you start one I with you. I grew up with them Old Timers.
I did it! I started a new group tentatively called "Schrade Et Al." -- I tacked on the Et Al. - "and others" so's everyone would know that we're lumping in the Old Timers, Uncle Henry's, etcetera.

Hopefully, there'll be some good ideas, comments and images exchanged. I limit myself pretty stringently to rigging and rope knives, and have been very surprised in the past week or so to discover how much more Schrade history there was, just relative to these "sailor" patterns, than I had ever would have suspected.


Glad you were able to "volunteer".  I am sure you will have much success with the group

I'm becoming a big fan of "things Schrade" -- embarrassed that I'd given them such short shrift.

I've changed the Schrade Et Al. group's icon for the third time. I've promised the Group members that I won't change the icon again without putting such change to a vote.


I like this icon!  I see you have 7 members and it looks like just about everyone is participating so far.  Congrats and keep up the good work

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