The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Our November contest is brought to you by Mr. Robert Burris
"I was just thinking of a way to promote our club, a little, and thought how about a knife contest that does just that."
Promote your way
Promote the site somewhere and just put a link in this discussion for us all to see!
What if it is done not online? Just put in a pic showing us what you have done!
Every time you promote us you will get a ticket in the drawing…How many tickets will you have?
We will have a giveaway to anyone promoting our community, by pictures or words.
The most creative will receive 3 extra tickets
The drawing will be on Thanksgiving.
Prizes, will be mailed to Miss Jan, next week so she can post up some pictures. There's one real surprise for you Survivalist out there. I won't say anymore, just start promoting IKC.
Tags: Knife, contest, giveaway, iKnifeCollector, promotion
I can see, our club is doing great. The thing that make this club great is it's Members. We have made it through good times and bad, but we have all stuck together. I think the day is here, that let's us say, "I'm proud to be an IKC Member". Ya'll keep on promoting, only good things will come of it. { No song...LOL}.
i have been noticing lots of new names myself!- at night in the chat names i have never seen on this club!
question.. does each email everyone send out count as a ticket...or just saying that you did this count as one ticket?... i only ask becuase it says everytime you prmote us!...LOL.. im sure that would be hundreds of tickets for lots of folks....LOLOLOL!
oh and robert i dont join many contests ... most of the time the ones i join its becuase i want to learn about whats going on within the contest...
with this one it was easy!---promoting IKC like lots here is something i already did and do and will do on a daily again thank you!!! IKC=FAMILY!!
Thanks Peter.
Only just found the IKC web button ability so I created a block on my website to further promote IKC
YAY Jason, I love that button!
Well just a few more days. Remember our drawing is on Thanksgiving day!!/groups/knifewerks/ their ya go.. JAN you are a member of this group so you may already see it... but we just hit 1099LIKES/members on it.. this is a FACEBOOK KNIFE CLUB that i helped create and now with the help off 2 admins take care of. anyay if you can see or if you send for an invite ectect... you will see what i mean by PINNED.. the IKC LINK stay at the top of the FACEBOOK PAGE UNLESS I TAKE IT DOWN.NO MATTER WHAT IT STAYS AT THE TOP..reagrdless of other posts or anything.. if it was not PINNED iot would have to daily be bumper back to the top for folks to see. the page get s about 20-25 new likes every day or so!.. in case you cant see it i have already expalined what it does.. but here is how i promoted IKC along with the IKC link
here is a GREAT ONLINE CLUB that i find very freindly and very much at home when im signed on. the folks are very easy going... please give it a shot. if you are already a member please say so on this post.if you do join...its for my own records if you wouldnt mind posting somethig simple like "JOINED" anyway here is the link IKC!!!
folks have already hit LIKE on the link i left..meaning{hopefully-they joined IKC..ill check up on that with a qucik search}..but even better is we have some members that are already on IKC posting to it agreeing that IKC is a great online club!...
1100LIKES/MEMBERS and counting.. plus i did this on my smaller page of about 200-300 folks!
-hope this all helps-
you are very much welcome robert! than you! the sign!
Robert Burris said:
Thanks Peter.
Just one more day to get more entries or even your first. Thank you to everyone that has participated!!!
We will be drawing for the prizes tomorrow!!!!!
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