As always, first I want to thank TSA knives for the opportunity to give one of these away to a member here at iKC!

see the full size pic here

As fall sets in, I love to see how folks appreciate it.  I think it is appropriate for this knife based on the story of how they came about and how the handle materials were chosen...so here is your mission, should you choose to accept it.

1) take a photo showing fall in your area, or wherever you happen to be

2) there MUST be a knife in the pic

3) extra ticket if iKC is in your pic

4) extra ticket if you carve a pumpkin for us

5) all entries must be posted in this discussion

The contest runs until October 31, 2015 at the witching hour (midnight eastern time)

Enter as often as you would like and HAVE SOME FUN!!!


Tags: **October, 2015, Trestle, contest**, giveaway!!, knife, pine

Views: 1714

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Congratulations Luke a great little knife , if you like it as much as I like mine you are going to be very happy !

Must have been difficult sorting a winner out Jan very high standard in this competition .

Good job Luke.


Thanks John, The blade style as well as the recycled woods made this knife catch my eye on the day Jan posted it!

I just called my Dad and when my mom pulled him away from the bears game I thanked him for nicknaming me Lucky!

Had to keep the call short, though 3rd quarter....


John Bamford said:

Congratulations Luke a great little knife , if you like it as much as I like mine you are going to be very happy !

Must have been difficult sorting a winner out Jan very high standard in this competition .

Congrats Luke! I am sure will love this knife. I mean, who wouldn't? 

Congrats Luke!  Nice win there buddy!

Enjoy!  Awesome knife!

Thanks Clint, It was a great contest idea, thanks to Jan! I enjoyed seeing all the pictures.

Clint Thompson said:

Good job Luke.


Nice work, Luke -- those were some creative shots.  Enjoy the Trestle Pine, man!

Thanks dead_left_knife_guy

Your shots were great I likes the silhouette with a finely carved pumpkin, then boom the lights come on and a tactical shows up. very cool.

This will only be my second Warn-cliff blade, my first is my EDC and I am thinking there will be may more, it has great utility and the straight cutting edge seems like I always "know where it is." Man I am so happy that I won this one, you guys all had wonderful pictures! 

dead_left_knife_guy said:

Nice work, Luke -- those were some creative shots.  Enjoy the Trestle Pine, man!

like the teenage girls say, "I know, right?!" 

Jeremy B. Buchanan said:

Congrats Luke! I am sure will love this knife. I mean, who wouldn't? 

Congrats Luke; fine looking pics of nice day out and about!  Thanks Jan for lifting the spirits of all on an evening to celebrate the spirits  :-)  !!!


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