I had to get an Opinel knife a while back.  They came highly recommended by someone I trust which is as close to holding a gun to my head as you can get without the gun. lol

I bought the Opinel #6.  It's the smallest model they have with a lock.  I have to admit the claims about the carbon steel proved true IMO.  Takes a great edge and holds it well. The blade is thin and slices like a monster.  Since the blade is the knife IMO these are a must have for any collection or pocket.  Simple, no frills excellent knives.  These make great loaner knives also.  Something you are not ashamed to hand someone and if they "accidentally" put it in their pocket it won't break your bank. OR, if you "accidentally" put someone else's Opinel in YOUR pocket you can be assured it didn't break his/her bank. :)

However, the handle was a little uncomfortable to me.  So I shaped it to be more comfortable.  I had seen this mod done by someone else (youtube I think) which gave me the idea.  Of course if you sand one spot on wood you need to do the whole thing.  For now I am leaving the wood natural with only some moisture treatment.  Here are a couple of pictures (before and after).

The handle is more comfortable now making it even more pleasurable to use.  I also forced a patina on the blade and sanded a little wood to expose the nail nick a little more.  This picture was taken before the "nick mod".  It's not much anyway.

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Replies to This Discussion

Kudos! Nice work reshaping that handle to conform with your comfort zone.

Nice work Jack. I also carry an Opinel # 6 Carbone and use daily. It does as you say, holds a good edge and will not break the bank if I lose or loan. I like the light weight, thin blade and carbon steel.

Here is the nail nick mod I did.  I'll show it just cuz.  I've been told you guys like pictures.

Thanks, Jack, good Job. We do like pictures, I was lost when I misplaced my camera.

Hi Guys , I have been carrying a No12 around for a little over 20 years now . Great knife, best one I have owned, alas in this country it would get me put in jail, I guess it is a bit Crocodile Dundee but it's a tool not a weapon in my mind. Must get the hang of putting pics on I think you would like to see the old girl.

We sure would John. An EDC for 20 years, is a treat.

I will work it out over the weekend, hopefully, Robert.

Maybe sort of getting the hang of this, old dog and new tricks as they say. Anyway my edc of the past 20yrs rather used but still good. Will try to do my new edc soon new GEC , think I could be very happy with it ,hope it does as well as this has.

John, I almost feel compelled to pat you on the head and give you a Milk Bone biscuit; consistent with your "old dog" reference.

You are doing great, my friend! That's an excellent picture of your trusty Opinel. Bravo! Keep up the good work conquering those illusory computer demons. 

Thanks Ron , I will try the cody Scout next.

i am liking the age on that knife my friend... the hand patina on the wood gives it nice color.

John Bamford said:

Maybe sort of getting the hang of this, old dog and new tricks as they say. Anyway my edc of the past 20yrs rather used but still good. Will try to do my new edc soon new GEC , think I could be very happy with it ,hope it does as well as this has.


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