Now that the weather has warmed up, feel free to spend a little extra time out on the porch, at the General Store.

Sit back, relax and watch the world go by.

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This is how we do it in Santa Barbara
Couch Point, Isla Vista, CA

I got a few old books on whittlin'
Haven't tried it yet
I made slingshot outta a cottonwood branch, a rubber inner tube, and a shoe tongue when I was about 10
It was a rite of passage for me
I think my dad got a kick out it and relived some memories

I bet you guys got some mean jerkey and moonshine recipes!!!

I sometimes make big country style breakfast and watch NASCAR
I love bacon
I read somewhere that Elvis had one rule in Graceland:
1)There must always be a plate of bacon on the piano.
This one won't fit on the porch, mind if I bring it out and join you on the coast?

Rekkon the "Shopkeeper" will put this in the "Gift Shop"?

Saw this in Angels Camp, CA
Was thinking of you guys ;)
Porch Love
Looks like someone done broke the rockers on one of them...
Bet it's warmer there too.
jj do you whittle and rock or rock and whittle or walk and whittle or whittle and walk or talk and whittle or whittle and talk or what????
I use a cane, so walkin and whittlin is a problem.
However, whittlin an talkin an rockin is just about perfect.
Now dont forget about havin a fine cigar while your rockin and whittlin and talkin
jj i was looking for some hard stuff you got any behind the counter?

Know anything 'bout Junior Johnson?

now that is my kind of race driver.shooting for the moon...
I wonder how smooth the trip is?


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