Lots of things to do in the spring, one is knowing when to plant and when to wait.

May 10th is my last frost date, passed down from my grandmother. She said you plant something 

that comes up before then, you will be covering it up!  Pop he said oh just use the almanac to plant and

weed and you will be okay.

This year I started the lettuce early. We had a spell of hot weather and that is all 

I needed for good germination.

Such fun it is to grow your own veggies and so Healthy for you too.

Hope everyone joins me in Gardening this year and post their pictures of veggies and flowers and such.

Lettuce is 4  days old, the cages is to keep my dog from digging...lol

Lettuce is up , black seeded simpson, salad mix and crunch

Violets blooming, going to try them in salad tomorrow.

Replenished and cleaned up MY BEACH.......

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anyone besides Robert actually have theirs in the ground yet?

Just thinking of starting mine again. Has to dry up some before I turn it. Will cover the aisles with hay again this year to keep down weeds and spread built in fertilizer!

We are Square Foot Gardening, not many rows. It's a new system to some but I've been using it for years.

So far, we have in Potatoes, Cabbage, lettuce and onions. We still use rows, but I have heard of square foot gardening. 

I hope to show Ya'll a few pictures. You get the most out of a small area. Things sorta, grow together with this method. Although some stuff is better in rows like, corn, potatoes, okra, beans etc. 

I do.And it was a beautiful sunset when I took these. I lost some of the beauty chasing down my camera. It's amazing how fast a sunset can slip away. I was going to put peppers and tomatoes in the ground, but they are calling for a hard freeze on Tuesday morning.

Good looking garden .....WOW....nice sunset too!!!!!

Great pics Billy

Great photo's Billy. good luck with the garden.

well had a hard freeze last night and sure to have one tonight then maybe we get to warmer temps. Will try to post pics of how we garden in the Ozarks!

Hog, it got down in the 40's last night around here. Nothing to hurt things, just a scare. Those fronts will die down soon. I hope.

it went to the upper 20's here last night. I noticed the tops on some of the potatoes turned black, but they should be fine without anymore freezes. I think I will try to plant more things this weekend.


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