Lets review outdoor gear that our group members have tried and are willing to give their opinions on how good or bad the gear performed. New or just new to you. If someone else has tried the gear, please add your opinion too. Oh yea, we can review knives too.

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Just something cool I wanted to share

Vintage Swiss Army Flashlight

Vintage Swiss Army Flashlight

There aren’t many things made today that are higher in quality than their original counterparts from years, if not decades ago. That brand new LED powered flashlight you carry around everywhere for emergencies is bright, effective and energy efficient, but will it be around in a decade? Ok, probably, but it has no character. This Vintage Swiss Army Flashlight was actual army issue some two decades and for good reason. It does green light. It does red light. It does the obligatory clear, but it also does Morse code. Since it has a brand new battery, it’ll be good for service for quite some time.


Wow, that is nice Jan.

Donnie took one look at this and said, you gotta show that to Robert LOL

That is cool, Jan.

So one friend is producing these firestrter sheaths and another is selling them LOL.  Just thought it was a great idea

Yes Mam, I saw that one earlier in the day by Greg. It has to be a winner and has my approvel before I get to try it. What a great idea, Greg must really do some good outdoor thinking. I wish he would help me more on this site.

Did you see the other one?  I like it also.  It can hold about anything you need


Tell you who you should try to get to help you here.  Dave Taylor the guy that makes these.  He is a wonderful old hermit in the desert and is an IKC member

SwissGear SG33155 St Alban Family Dome Tent - 7+ Person Tent 

Ok so I need to buy a new tent for this summers camping season and was looking at this Swiss Gear SG33155 St Alban. Anybody out there have any experience with Swiss Gear tents? Thanks From the newbe 

Terry, I have never used that one but it sure looks like it would do great. Miss Jan tell Dave Taylor to come on over we could work together.

Just put a video on the front page about swedish firesteel.  Check it out

I gotta good score from retired marine at garage sale.I threw in the knife,axe and rifle cuz it went with the new stuff.The next day I went hiking/adventuring with all this gear minus the gun.

Never owned a Camelbak b4 but they are really nice!!It was way more convenient on a mountainside than taking bottle outta gear bag.I used the Branton Axe as a climbing aid n the spike is great for this.The boots were not uncomfortable and helped alot with traction on the rocky,crumbly mountainside.


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