Hi Steve,

It used to be knives were shipped wrapped in oil paper but today, knives often come in a plastic sleeve.  I see this with both lower priced and some high end knives.   Is it safe to keep knives in these plastic sleeves for long term storage.  I assume the plastic is going to break down over time which can harm the knives.

We also had a long discussion about clam packaging. Will you lower the value of a knife by removing it from clam packaging? Or do serious collectors care about clam packaging?

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Toby...the plastic sleeves should not be a problem as long as the knives are being removed and cleaned on a regular basis..however oil and plastic do not go together so if you have oil on the knife and put it back in the sleeve the oil will begin to break down the plastic..so the next time you clean your knife you may find the plastic needs to be thrown away..me personally I prefer to put knives in a roll and just store the packaging.

Now as for clam packs, I have never been a fan of clam packs but I can say that I have never deducted value from a knife because it was not in the clam pack...and vise versa I have never paid more for a knife because it was in the clam pack.

Thanks Steve.  Much appreciated

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