Thanks for the invite.

I am trying to obtain information on this knife that I was given.

I hope someone can identify it for me.

Thanks In Advance.

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Can you report what (if anything) is stamped @ the base of the blade ???

A close of pic of this stamping would be most helpful.

From what I can make out looks like Wisefield and Rombotham, Sheffield

D ale said:

Can you report what (if anything) is stamped @ the base of the blade ???

A close of pic of this stamping would be most helpful.

Jason-The tang stamp probably reads Wingfield and Rowbotham , Sheffield. The company originally started as Wade, Wingfield and Rowbotham Sheffield in 1825- About 1851-52 they shortened the name to Wingfield & Rowbotham Sheffield.They were located at 82 Tenter Street, Sheffield-Most all of their knives were sold in England or exported to Australia.You may see on the back side of your blade a crown and harp stamp they used.Here are a couple of photos of another knife of theirs to show what the tang stamps look like.

Hey I bet the guys in out Sheffield Group would like to see this one!

A little more info-

According to Tweedale's Sheffield Knife Book Wingfield & Rowbotham began in the 18th century. It became Wade Wingfield & Rowbotham in 1825, though it sometimes still used the earlier form of the name. Moved to Tenter Street in the late 19th century. The firm was acquired in 1898 by Thomas Turner & Company, which continued to use the old brands on some merchandise, including razors. "Wingfield Rowbotham & Co." "Wingfield & Co." and "Wade Wingfield & Rowbotham" are all shown as registered by Turner in the 1919 trademarks register of the Cutlers Company of Sheffield (the cutlers guild). In 1932, Turner with all of its trademarks was acquired by Viner's Ltd.

Yet a little more info- The original owners of Wade, Wingfield, and Rowbotham were Richard Wade, John Winfield, and John Rowbotham-- Jan had asked me if this was the same Wade (or a relative) of the Wade of Wade & Butcher knives-- I can't find any connection between the 2, although it is possible as the time period is the same general period- Robert Wade  of Wade & Butcher had 4 daughters- Although still a possibility it was his brother or a male cousin. 

Yet still a little more info-- A series of old Wingfield , Rowbotham ads- Note that in even some of their later ads, they sometimes used the original name with Wade included- Also note the Australian awards in some of their ads-.From earliest to latest-1882-1903

1903 ad

Excellent job including the ads!

Jan-Thanx-- BTW, they also made sterling silver pieces-  Non-knife related plus tableware.

Wowza , Jason .. You've an old one there.

I too wish it could talk .. just think of the tales ........................

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