I would like to thank Jan Carter for introducing me to your group. My name is Jason, and I am the son of Terry and Cherry Ray of TC Collectible Cutlery(TC Knife Shop). Most of you are probably aware of the passing of Terry and my Mom earlier this year. I am unable to keep the business going, so I am offering the remaining inventory for sale. This is not a complete list of everything I have available. I will post more as I am able to inventory the entire stock. If you would like pictures of anything I have available, send me your e-mail address and I will get them to you. 

Queen Custom Shop Bill Ruple 2-blade Trapper(Includes Queen Ruple Zipper Case) $110

Queen Cutlery #9 Workhorse Stockman  $45

Queen Swayback Jack TC Collectible Cutlery Exclusive Pattern Walnut Scales(4 Available) $60/each

Queen Swayback Jack TC Collectible Cutlery Exclusive Pattern Stag Scales(5 Available) $65/each

Brous Blades Bionic 2.0 Bronze Scales  $115

Microtech Ultratech Bayonet Black Serrated 120-2 OD Green  $210

John Primble 5009 Blue Bone Barlow  $50

 *****NEWLY ADDED*******

GEC #21 Bull Buster Maroon Linen Micarta #421114LB $60
GEC Tidioute #61 Congress Teal Jig Bone $75
GEC Northfield #73 Scout Cocobolo Scales $70

Benchmade 175BK CBK Backup $65

ADDED 5/20/16

Queen Cutlery #112 1/2 FBH $55

Queen Cutlery #1500 Linen Micarta

Eickhorn Solingen POHL ONE G10 $90

Bad Blood Spartan Fixed Blade w/Kydex Sheath $30

SigTac Folder (Fox Knives Italy) $45

Microtech LUDT S/E Black Serrated(02/06 Production Date) W/Box***This one appears to be slightly used*** $140

I can accept PayPal or USPS Money Orders

I will gladly combine shipping and offer multiple knife discounts

Local pickup is available in Tupelo, MS

Tags: &, Blades, Morgan/Benchmade/Microtech/Brous, Queen/Schatt

Views: 2731

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I,m interested in the 

Benchmade 9051 AFO II Auto Plain Blade  $150

Benchmade 2550 Mini Reflex Auto Plain Blade  $145

Are they still available?,  my e-mail is Jim2781@gmail.com,

Send me an email at jsrank82@thewavz.com
Let me know what is left , I may be able to help you out.
Thank you
Jamie Rank
JSR Sports and More

Yes they are still available. I will email you some pics as soon as i make it back home.

Queen #1500 Linen Micarta is sold.

I sent you an email with pics of the Benchmades.

James Brockway said:

I,m interested in the 

Benchmade 9051 AFO II Auto Plain Blade  $150

Benchmade 2550 Mini Reflex Auto Plain Blade  $145

Are they still available?,  my e-mail is Jim2781@gmail.com,

Hi Jamie. I sent you an email with the knives that are available.

Jamie Rank said:

Send me an email at jsrank82@thewavz.com
Let me know what is left , I may be able to help you out.
Thank you
Jamie Rank
JSR Sports and More

Bench made auto's still available ?  Please advise, Bruce W.

The 2 Benchmade autos listed are sold.

Bruce Allen Willey said:

Bench made auto's still available ?  Please advise, Bruce W.

Benchmade AFO and Mini Reflex are sold.

Hi Jason - Is this GEC still available?
GEC Northfield Cocobolo Wood #735115 $60. I would like to purchase it if that's the case, Best, Dan

Do you have any Dalton Automatics?

Is the Brous new and in box? Is it the non-auto model?

Are the last 2 Primbles new and in box?

Any chance of some photos on those as well? :-)

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