should the place a knife is manufactured be a major determining factor in its purchase?

I ask this question because I had, in the past, been one that felt a knife produced outside of the USA had been lacking in quality.
I have since changed my views some what.
I found many knives that are produced over seas are very well made and seem to get a hard reputation just because they are not made in America.
I was disapointed to find that one of my Buck knives had been made in China. (I had not done much research about buck sending some production over seas.)
I started using the knife and found that it was just as good as any of my other Buck knives. I felt a more then a little guilty about how I had felt before.
That's when I started opening up to knives being made in China and else where.
Still love those USA blades, don't get me wrong, but I think of all those good knives I never gave a chance just because of where they had been produced.
Has anyone had the same experiance? Or am I the only one who was so stubborn?

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Alexander, you need to move to the U.S.! LOL!

Alexander you have a point.  people do not choose where they are born nor in some cases do they choose their governments.    Supporting companies is a good thing and supporting knifemaking and collecting is what we are all about

Craig Henry said:

Alexander, you need to move to the U.S.! LOL!

Hahaha, get me a good job and I'll  come right over I think. Knifemaking heaven!

Jan Carter7 hours ago

Alexander you have a point.  people do not choose where they are born nor in some cases do they choose their governments.    Supporting companies is a good thing and supporting knifemaking and collecting is what we are all about

Thanks Jan. That's what I was going for in too many words!

I understand, Mr. Noot, and agree. All knives deserve to be appreciated

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