Since we are all knife collectors I thought it would be nice for everyone to show off a collection are two. Get one of your favorite collections together, 3 to 6 knives in all and post us a picture. It can be by pattern, style or maker; fixed or folder. What ever makes them a collection. You may post more than one collection but just 3 to 6 knives in each.

  This is not a contest, just a way to show us your knives, for all to enjoy. Lets have some fun.

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Pearl Jam !!  My Case 8254 Trappers---MOP, Mexican Green Abalone w/ Cigar band shield, New Zealand Paua Abalone w/ Shell shield, Gold Lip pearl w/ Cigar band shield-

Wow John, that's a good way to start it off. I'm waiting for my camera to come home later today.

John, sweet!!  I will get a few up this week too!

This is my IKC club knives. A small collection of some nice knives. Please, lets see some of ya'll's nice little collections.

This IS a fun one. I'll have to start taking a group shot of my A.G. Russell Texas Ranger collection.

Hey Alex, That sounds like a good one. I can't wait to see it.

This is my newly restored Buck knives counter display case stocked with all the correct knives from my collection. One of Three I am restoring. The other two still need some of the knives to complete them.

Those are great guys and remember everyone can post more than one picture, as Ken did. I already have plans for another group. I wish ,my camera was working. I'm using a phone camera.

I think this is going to give me an excuse to take more pictures as I've recently done some reorganizing!  But for now, a look at my growing collection of 111mm Victorinox Swiss Army Knives. Each knife was chosen for the variety of tools offered.

The Skipper, The Hunter, The Outrider, The Rescue Tool, and The German Army Knife.

The Skipper

The Hunter

The Outrider

The Rescue Tool

The German Army Knife

Here are six of my Case Mini Blackhorns.

Top row:  Ducks Unlimited, Mint  from 1990, Kneeling Cowboy

Bottom row:  Making A Case For America, Boy Scouts, Carhartt

Can we re-post over and over? LOL!

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