Here is mine (6-I cheated)

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Ken, or anyone, have you found a price guide for vintage knives. I hate buying something, when I don't know it's value. I love vintage knives. It's like, they've done their job and now it's time to rest, and be appreciated and maybe admired.

Robert, No I know of no price guide. I go by what I would pay and try not to go over that. I don't buy to resell, I buy because I want a knife and want to keep it and enjoy it, so price is flexible with me. But if you think you might buy to resell a price guide would be very valuable. Maybe there is one but I don't know about it. Hope you find one, be sure and share it if you do. Ken "The Talking Knives"

I'm not worried Rob. I've got plenty of time yet. I just have to get a bib and wipe the drool off my face everytime I see one of those great looking Treeman Scagel knives.

How're you liking it in use? Most of the ones I've seen so far are more like safe queens in people's collections.

Robert Burris said:

Real nice, Ken, I love vintage knives. Alex, you're still a young man. When I was young, I couldn't afford a Treeman.  I know you are doing good at work, that's the best way I know to have your ship come in...lol Hang in there, good Buddy.

Well Alex, it's a cutting champ. We clean a lot of deer, game and fish at my camp, in the fall and winter. So I see a lot of knives from other hunters. They tried to see who's knife would dull first and how long it took you to resharpen it and be back to cleaning game. Well, that treeman back them all off. They had some good knives too, with all sorts of steel. If the treeman didn't out last them, it resharpened so quick, they lost that way. Some steels are very hard and keep a great edge but it takes a long while to re do them.

I just realized that, explaining about a Treeman knife, I may have over done my opinion. My explanation of the knife is in no way a scientific evaluation of knives, so please don't be offended. This was just a bunch of guys in the forest, playing with knives. I know there is a lot of nice knives out there. 

Very nice knives Ron

Wow, Ron, those Tuna's are real.

Don't worry about it on my account. A user's perspective is often better than a testers perspective. After all, he's the one paying the bills isn't he?

They sound like great knives. I had to look them up on the treeman website yesterday just to check on the prices again. Man there's some amazing knives on there. One of these days I'll sell a bunch of knives I made and order a treeman or something.

Robert Burris said:

I just realized that, explaining about a Treeman knife, I may have over done my opinion. My explanation of the knife is in no way a scientific evaluation of knives, so please don't be offended. This was just a bunch of guys in the forest, playing with knives. I know there is a lot of nice knives out there. 

And Ron, those Tuna Valley's look amazing!

I simply love that Cotton Sampler.

Ron brought out his fancy pants knives! LOL! Nice Ron!

You stop scrolling when you catch that cotton sampler! Stunning!!

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