I have been thinking for quite some time on how to display my collection. I never had been the one to go the traditional route, seeing that I'm not a traditional kind of guy. I love simple things, old things, and tend to break off of what is usually done. I decided to go simple and vintage, finding old items that told a story in themselves, rather then just shelves for my collection, I tend to have just as much fun finding ways to display my knives then getting the knives themselves. How do you display your collection, traditional or with a personal touch?

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Hi everybody, this is my first post on this forum. Here is one of my displays. Since this picture was taken I've located the knives needed to fill the empty spots.

Mark that is an absolutely beautiful Camillus branded case. That just has to be pretty rare.

mark smith said:

Hi everybody, this is my first post on this forum. Here is one of my displays. Since this picture was taken I've located the knives needed to fill the empty spots.

Nothing short of perfect!!!!

mark smith said:

Hi everybody, this is my first post on this forum. Here is one of my displays. Since this picture was taken I've located the knives needed to fill the empty spots.

For me the remarkable thing about this outstanding Camillus display case is that these used to be pretty much standard fare at any local hardware store you walked into. Whether it was Camillus, Schrade, Imperial or Buck knives. They all had similar cases prominently displayed in most all of the big department stores, such as Sears, Montgomery Ward and F.W. Woolworth's, also.

Nowadays not only are most of those department stores gone, but so are the local hardware stores. A display case like this one that used to be commonplace is now a highly prized collector's item. That's what struck me when I first looked at this fantastic display case with all of those beautiful Camillus knives.

Wow! I really am getting old and nostalgic. There really was a kinder, gentler time in America. Ha! And we all carried knives and shot guns and nobody got killed. Today we have all of these laws that prevent us from carrying the knives and owning the guns and yet people are getting killed everyday! What happened! Where did it all go so terribly wrong?

Wow! I'm sorry that I got so carried away. Just looking at this display case sparked a flood of memories that turned into an avalanche of emotional confusion. Sorry! You have a wonderful display case!

Cool displays everyone. That beaver is cracking me up, and I love the Keen Kutter display case.

I like em all. gave me some idea's.


We mainly have wood box display and original box display...have a few in entertainment center...most are stored or hanging on wall...lol

Oh man I want to go to sue's house

Sue is rocking those displays!!!!!!!!

Neat displays Sue. How are you holding the knives in place inside the frames? I don't see wire or anything else, magnets? Or are they just squeezed between the glass and the backing material?

Sue OldsWidow said:

We mainly have wood box display and original box display...have a few in entertainment center...most are stored or hanging on wall...lol


The case pocket worn is an original case knife display...it has molded areas the knives lay in.This type is nice to look at,

and holds the knives well, my only problem with it is you have to unscrew the back to get them out for periodic cleaning.

The long boxes the knives just lay down in the foam/velvet cover and against the glass..hinges and locking sides for easy access.

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