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Comment by Billy Oneale on September 22, 2011

Nice pic , Robert.Good looking Moose

Comment by Robert Burris on September 22, 2011

Billy, I probably won't sell the Robeson, I like it alot. I removed the blade etching and I guess you would call it only 90% or what ever. Well if I do sell this knife I'll let you know. To me it's just right now. Those collector guys and gals have their own view. I just like my view...lol

Comment by Robert Burris on September 22, 2011 

That's "pocketezze"....I guess I have that spelled right.

Comment by Billy Oneale on September 22, 2011

Robert, all that matters is that you like it and are happy with it. Let me know if you change your mind. I buy what I like regardless of whether it will be worth something. Knives are like everything else, if there is not a buyer, it is worthless to anyone else. I have a lot of family members who would love to have some of my collection regardless of price or maker. I'll enjoy them while I am still breathing and after that I could care less as long as someone who appreciates them gets them.

Comment by Robert Burris on September 23, 2011  

The only other time I saw a Robeson with this handle was on Ebay when Kevin Pipes sold a large tooth pick out of his personal collection. I wanted it but before I could act it was gone. The more I try to get away from Queen, Schatt-Margan and Robeson the closer I get...lol

Comment by Chris Stookey on October 28, 2011 

Here's a photo of my one and only Robeson. A beautiful, high quality, Muskrat that I got from Kevin Pipes!


Comment by Chris Stookey on October 29, 2011

I've wrestled with whether or not to give up on Case...because within the past few years, their quality has gotten quite erratic. I've decided not to give up on them. For a couple of reasons...with the most important one being to help employ fellow Americans. And...every once in a while, they produce some find knives. Like this Saddlehorn. It's exquisite in every way...


Comment by Billy Oneale on November 15, 2011 

Time to show my newest Schatt & Morgan. I was a little dissapointed in some of the things about this knife.The main thing is that the pins are trying to show thru the bolsters. Othern than that, the knife is fine.

Comment by Chris Stookey on November 19, 2011


My latest acquisition. A Northfield Scout in Gen Stag. Got this from my favorite knife pimp, Gary Norton of Northwest Knife Company.

Comment by Billy Oneale on November 19, 2011

Great looking stag on that one.

Comment by Chris Stookey on November 24, 2011

Another great #73...this one in Burnt Stag. Yep...it's from Gary Norton of Northwest Knife Company!


Comment by Chris Stookey on December 11, 2011 

Another GREAT 73 courtesy of my favorite knife pimp; Gary Norton of Northwest Knife Company. That guy knows just what GEC's ring my bell!


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