I am not a real  Strider collector and know only what I have read about the company.  Got this in a group of used knives that I bought at a garage sale months ago.  Only thing I could find online was that it was a SLCC Model.  I don't know if it is a fake or real can anyone clue me in. Posted picture on my page.

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Don-Impossible to tell with 100% certainty from a single photo, but this has every indication of being a real Mick Strider custom SLCC (Slim Line Concealed Carry).I would need more info to tell you a whole lot more as to a specific model,etc. Strider  SLCC's were made in a variety of materials, grinds, size, and blade thicknesses. The grind on your's is what Mick Strider calls a Nightmare Grind. It is a complex grind that is a combination of a hollow grind, flat grind and an upper swedge grind.Yours may be a fairly early or old skool one, because from what I've seen on his newer knives, the hollow grind portion runs clear to the blade edge .His SLCC knives were made in a variety of metals- BG42, S30V, CPM154, S35VN,Ti and Stellite 6K. The grips are aftermarket  from one of his dealers and remove with a single screw.The grips alone are $38.The sheath is one I have not seen before, as the majority are kydex or velcro. These knives were designed for backup & concealment, so a belt worn leather sheath is unusual .If you can provide pictures of any markings on the knife itself, I can give you more of an idea of value. If they aren't visible they will be under the grips, which as I said before, are removed and attached with  a single screw. Also provide a blade length, over all length and the blade thickness at it's widest point. These SL:CC's are highly collectable and sell easily. At a bare minimum,these sell for $325. They can run hundreds higher depending on the additional information you can provide. Catalog Strider's are marked STRIDER, and custom ones are marked M. STRIDER in block letters or script or Dwyer (Duane Dwyer). Some were numbered and even some early ones have who heat treated the blade as well as blade material. All of these can positively affect the value. In short, a very valuable knife you have there.Here is a photo of another old skool SLCC with the same Nightmare grind as yours for comparison.

John .. you amaze me with your ability to do what you do .. accurately identify & provide info on the basis of relatively little to go on. I am genuinely impressed & have recommended your counsel to others based on this. I'm fond of stating .. actions speak far louder than words. You are an example of just that !!!

John McCain said: ..............

Thank you for the info.  I have checked and there is no mark on the knife.  Might this knife been recondition when the new handles were put on.   I thought his knife was of the very early production since very little is available or it was a reproduction

Knife is 7 7/8"  long, 6" blade and 3/16" thick in the handle area.  I did notice  a difference between the one you showed and mine,  The nightmare grind was on the reverse side.

Since I am new on this I did not get pictures here but I did post some new images

agree with dale.  john is a very knowledgable in the language and identification of all cutlery...  keep up the good work john.

Don-After reviewing your additional photos and other info, I am sad to say this is a Chinese copy of a Strider knife-(sigh) The giveaways were--

1- the unusual sheath

2-No markings on the knife-(although possible with a light laser etch)

3-The small hole for the grip attachment-( Every  authentic Strider SLCC I have seen has a large hole in the steel handle area designed solely for weight reduction- After market grips had a protuding plug on one side to accomodate the large hole for grip attachment.

4-The fact that one or the other side has a nightmare grind means nothing- I have seen the front side , obverse side, or both sides Nightmare ground on authentic Strider knives.

China makes a lot of counterfeit Strider knives-Basically the same look and dimensions-Just not the same high quality steel.Here is the most damning evidence-- Here are two You Tube videos showing basically the same knife and sheath. If you run the videos at less than full screen and click the Show More option below the video you will see that the steel is 7cr17 , a Chinese steel roughly equivalent to 440A steel. It will also give further specs and the China country of origin . In short, not a horrible knife, just a $30 knife rather than a $325 knife.



Yeah....I was still looking into the Nightmare grind. Mick hates it because it is such a pain to sharpen and maintain, but with your knife, it doesn'r come near the edge. :-(

I want to  give John a big thank you for all his input on the knife.  Yes it is too bad it's a China version but you said its a $30.00 knife rather than a $325.00 I guess that is alright I paid  $5.00 for it.  That  video you gave me the link to had the knife that look like mine but  one inch shorter   and the identical sheath..  Thank you again.

Thank you all for the very kind comments-Keeps me doing what I do-- Once again, thank you so very much !!!

Great work John McCain!

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