A pair of simple sweats, just pants and a fleece shirt.  Seems like a light request for folks we owe so very much too.  Can iKC step up and help Sue in her mission to see them smiling and warm?  I know I can, I will buy 2 full sets with socks and get them sent to Sue.  One to remind me of my father and the other of my uncle, in their honor I will make another Veterans warm and comfortable.

I challenge each of you to send 1 set to Sue as they begin getting ready for the season.  Out shopping for families and friends?  How about for a hero?  Join me please

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One of the things I like about the program Sue's auxiliary ladies do is have the local children draw pics thanking them for their service,  The drawing is delivered with their sweats.  What a great way to say thank you and get a smile in return.

Jan, just think that Sue probably doesn't want to give her address out to everyone. Is there a good address to send them to that can be made public? Thanks!

Data when I spoke with her yesterday I didnt remember to ask for an address.  If the auxiliary doesn't have an address we will just send them here and I will forward them on 

I don't understand. Are you selling sweat suits, is she making them or do we get sweat suits on our own and send to her? I stay confused....lol

LOL, Thats OK Robert, me too!

We are going to buy sweats and send them

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 471

950 Gallia Street 

Portsmouth, Ohio 45663

This is my Auxiliary...We do this Sweats for Vets on a yearly basis at Christmas time and all donations are gladly accepted and passed on to that Veteran locally who is in local.

They are hand delivered to the Veterans...by a post veteran/auxiliary member/or son of the american legion/legion riders.

Thanks in Advance for any donations. 

Sue Montgomery Executive Board Russell D. Williams American Legion Auxiliary Unit 471

I got a set of dark Grey Sweats today.  Will pick up another color next week

Great! Jan, sounds like your having fun shoppin for a VET.....

This is about the time of year that the Dollar store has them on sale too...

From our President Betty

SWEATS FOR VETS for CHRISTMAS. This is a project we do locally. We get all the veterans names from the nursing homes in our local area and sizes. We make a list and post it at the Legion. Members, family, friends and other outside organizations has helped in the past with this project. They adopt a veteran go shopping and returns the gift already wrapped and ready for delivery. On the gift they place a card with the veterans name, nursing home and the size. Then a group from the legion personally delivers the gifts to each veteran. This includes Legionnaires, Auxiliary, SAL,and Legion Riders. This is project is handled by the Auxiliary.

I am having fun Sue!

Well the lists are out out the Legion now and people are starting to adopt a Vet from the area nursing homes for the

Sweats for Vets...Christmas time is approaching rapidly...This brings such joy and holiday spirits to our hero's.


Helping our vets is rewarding and easy.

1 pair of seats donated to Sweats for Vets.

Just buy a pair and send them to

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 471

950 Gallia Street 

Portsmouth, Ohio 45663

I know that we and our families will be out and about this weekend.  Pick up that set of sweats and get them sent.  Our Vets will be grateful someone took the time to think of them during this holiday season!

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