Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

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Dave, we have a 53 acre farm here in Pa, each year we get more than a few fresh berries, it's always been an event that I've looked forward to. Something  just feels natural about it I guess, I'll be headed to the field with my newest EDC to pick some more berries before long, having a great knife in the pocket makes every occasion a little better.


I can't wait to see what you think of yours, I know if it's anything like mine you'll love it. 

i was wondering if someone could fill me in on the new ikc club knife.this is my first sunfish i don't know a lot about them .are the blades supposed to be so tight and i thought that it would have IKC on knife shield or do we have to do that and also i thought that it would have 1 of 50 on blade but i guess i was wrong it is a nice knife but it is hard to open and nothing on shield or it does not say 1 of 50 i thought we wouid get that for 125.00


As this was Luca's project I have to go back and read the info he gave us to see the expectation on the blade stamp.  I will reread all of that today or tomorrow.  I know that the shield was discussed and it was too much $ to have the IKC on that.  If memory serves me (and please don't count on MY memory) the decision was made to mark the certificate to keep the production cost down.

As far as hard to open goes Stephen, thats hard to say.  As a large knife it should have a strong spring in it.  How hard is it to open?  I can go pull out some of my toenails and check the opening on them if you would liek.


Show us a picture?  Mine is not being mailed, we are picking it up next month when we are there.  Is it a good looking knife?



Dave, do you use a lanyard on your #72s?

I'm thinking about it, and I think I could like having one, but I don't know yet. I've never used a lanyard so much experience is limited, what do you think?

Yep.  Got little lanyards on both my 72's and find them very handy.

Some of the little zipper pulls that one finds available work pretty well, or just use a piece of leather thong or cord.

I carry my 72's in belt pouches rather than in my pocket, so I just reach for the little lanyard, which I find easier than grasping the knife itself.

Do the lanyards get in the way when using the knife.  Yep, they do and that's why I keep mine small.  Just enough to grab onto. 

One thing about trying the lanyard on your knife is, if you find you don't like it you can always take it off.

Some folks like 'em, some don't.  Gotta try it and judge for yourself.  Good "project" for today.


Yeah, now that I have the yards all mowed up, I think I'll give the lanyard a try.

Sounds like a good plan, thanks Dave. :)

Okay, so me and Red Wine have been getting along great, I'm using it everyday and it's preforming perfectly. But, the new guy is in town, MR. Elk. And I think GEC is making a liar out of me, I'll be using it way before my B-day. It's a beautiful chunk of nice, once again a great knife from Bob Andrews. Sharp blade right from the box, perfectly ready to carry, I'll be slipping it in the pocket this evening.


The Elk stag is a lot thicker than the bone on my Red Wine, but I like that. It fits my hand better and I have a bit more to grab onto. It's not as slim as my first #72, so I have a feeling I'd take Red Wine to a nice dinner, while Elk will accompany me on the snowy days of bear season. I do look forward to comparing the two in use.



Congrats Johnny.  I am glad Mr. Elk found his way home.  Snowy bear season days prob are not coming anytime soon so better find another reason to "have" to use this one.  Maybe you could find me a beaver
Seems like the mailman did a little better this time Johnny. Great Pix! Enjoy!

My uncle has a place were I could probably trap a couple, but I don't know.

Do you think he'd make the trip to Florida? Then again, I could just bring him up to Titusville in July.


Thanks Jan


LOL, just kidding friend.  Donnie actually bought me a beautiful pelt to show off my beavertails, with a little help from another friend while at the Blade Show.  I will have it with me in July


Cool, Jan, I don't think I could kill one anyhow. :(

I'm a manly hunter an all, but...... I couldn't do it, unless I really had to, I just think they're an awesome animal.


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