The Community knives are on their way, lets have a little fun

The 2014 Community knives were sent priority, on the way to their new homes today :)  I have not posted a picture of any of them (haha).  I am excited that each of the handle materials have small variances in it, so no two will be exactly alike.  Donnie reviewed them all for me so I have not seen all of them either, BUT I WANT TO!!  So I am going to offer up a Queen Maroon handled Country Cousin knife for a photo contest prize.  This will run a little while because 4 knives are making their way to other parts of the world.

So here are the guidelines

Post a picture of your 2014 IKC Community knife with something unique to your area and enter it here.  Lets see how creative we can be with our own city, state or country

I will choose 3 impartial judges.  I think we run this for about a month, I want those going out of the country to show us theirs also.  Lets see if we can get every knife to show back up on here.  


Tags: 2014, community, forum, ikc, iknifecollector, knife

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My package arrived today.

Jan, thanks a lot.

More pictures will follow before the end of the week.

Jean Francois,

Excelllent!  I love the color variation in yours.  Looking forward to more pics

I hear tell one made it to Canada also!

We love our colonial coon , iKC knife


My iKC knife is now in Paris, visiting forgotten gardens or strolling along the Seine.

Believe it or not, all of these places I particularly like are within the town.

well now that knife is just having a wonderful time in Paris.  I hear one got to Australia today too

I know that Canada and one Australian have made it to their destinations.  One week from today is the 24th and day someone will win the Queen knife

Hot damm!  Good luck to (almost) everybody.  Hahahahaha.

 Here is a picture of my Col. Coon with Rascal and Bandit admiring. I will post one with a local theme if I get out to take one. 



I actually very much like the coon pic

Tomorrow is the last day to enter you photo

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