Dalton, Ga. is a bit cool this morning but it is the perfect day to spend at a Knife Show!  Had dinner last night with Ken/Courtney Daniels, Bruce&Debbie Voyles and Tommy Clark of Blue Ridge.  Great evening and we heard many times that iKnifeCollector has the best folks on it.  Friendly and helpful were words I heard many times..  You all are pretty impressive!  So watch here, beginning today and we will follow the show, see some knives and share some stories!

Thanks iKC, for being the best and being here with us!

Tags: Knife, Spirit, Steel, iKnifeCollecotr, of, show

Views: 799

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Terry Ray said:


Terry Ray said:


Terry Ray said:

These pics are from a knife our newest member made, and its a awesome knife

Nathin Raptis made this one

Terry Ray said:

These pics are from a knife our newest member made, and its a awesome knife

Nathin Raptis made this one

Having been to a number of shows, met many people, THIS group was one I was proud to say I am a part of!  Thank you all for a wonderful Day.  Ms. Kaylin won our BINGO challenge and will go home with an iKC hat! 

Left to right

Ms. Kaylin, Donnie, JJ, Randall, David S and Just some stranger we picked up

Ms Cherry with Wayne and some wonderful (empty) Moohshine bottles

Donnie and Terry Ray

I have more pics (LOL, you know I do)  I will get more posted tomorrow.  Have lots of knife pics in here :)

Really couldn't be happier with our visit with the iKC group, at the show. Talking with folks like we've been friends for years. Didn't get to spend much extra time with the various exhibitor/members today, but we'll be around some more tomorrow.

Hi. I realize that the photos are taken during the "down time" of the show but how have the crowds been? Good turnout? Are the exhibitors satisfied?

Great pics Everyone! Sure enjoy seeing folks I have known for years being together at the iKC show,,,, I mean the Dalton show!

Jan Carter said:

I have more pics (LOL, you know I do)  I will get more posted tomorrow.  Have lots of knife pics in here :)

That's our gang, having fun. I can't wait to see some new knives. Miss Jan, please add names to your post. Thanks.

  Did they have vintage knives for sale?

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