I would like to know what you guys think of the Tiny Toothpick BIG Picks that Shepherd Hills is offering. Do you think this pattern is rare enough to be collectible and worth the investment?

Tags: BIG, Case, Hills, Shepherd, Tiny, Toothpick, picks

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For my money I have never liked the toothpick and believe this one looks like a big flop, but I guess we will see.
You just never know. Some SFO (knives exclusive to one company) knives do go up in value ...others don't. With that said, the tiny toothpick is one of the most collectible patterns Case makes....actually, a Case employee told me it is their number one pattern they sell. So this might be a good thing. IMHO...you should be collecting what you like and not collecting strickly for investment purposes. If you like them .....buy a few.
Richard and Brad, thanks for the opinions. I do have a bit of a soft spot for the tiny toothpicks. They are neat little things and most are relatively affordable. From the investment side of things I suppose that popularity will put them on the supply side of things in the collectors market so maybe they are not the greatest use of investment money. I just thought a tiny toothpick with 4 blades was rather unique because I personally haven't seen them before. I will probably end up buying at least one for me because I just like the idea.
Post a pic when you get one. One other thing I would like to mention. Case has produced some of their popular 2 bladed patterns with 4 and 5 blades...the trapper, mini trapper and copperhead just to name a few. I know at one time these were bringing big bucks compared to what they originally sold for. Seems now that the demand and prices have dropped some ....maybe because of the economy but more than likely because of popularity cycles. What I mean by that is the popularity in certain patterns, handle material...ect. cycle. I have been collecting and dealing in knives for 30 years and what is hot or in demand right now, might not be 6 to 12 monthes later....but usually it all cycles back. Case Classic knives are a good example.
i have a small CASE BRADFORD tooth pick that is sooo rare they only have a blank square where they usually have a picture of the knife, 61096 GREEN BONE.
I agree very much with the buy what you like concept in knife collecting. However, of the many reasons to purchase a knife, as a collector the investment characteristics are still present, even if only as a perk.

I am fully satisfied in buying what I like. If a knife happens to go up in value on the secondary market for one or some of the many reasons they can, while not my prime incentive, it is an nice bonus. Buying what you like is the best policy to keep the contrary from becoming a completely mirrored experience. If a knife's value remains the same or goes down, I am not displeased with it because I still have a knife that I like.

Further support for this lies in the fact that speculating in knives like a many other things seems a tricky business and I do not possess the caution and skill to buy with an investor's eye alone.


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