I see a market here.

 Who is making a T.S.A. 'approved' pocket knife?

TSA, (which I was told stands for, 'Thousands Standing Around'),

and, another acronym, which to say, would not be politically correct,

due to the nature of the the varied age and views of the members here.

Just thinking. A nice pocket folder, which fits all the, 'rules' listed,

with perhaps the bade etched, " TSA Approved 2013"

and then perhaps,  "Made By xxxxx".

What da ys all tink?

Would be nice, not to have to fly on a AIR O PLANE, Naked.*

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I believe it would be anything 2.36 inches closed? 

Okay, the BLADE has to be 2.36" or less! That's what I thought in the beginning, then I thought someone said "closed". Thanks Hog! I'd say that clears the whole issue up! 

Yes width is an issue, length is an issue, fixed is an issue .....Well its the government so its all complicated!

Craig Henry said:

Okay, the BLADE has to be 2.36" or less! That's what I thought in the beginning, then I thought someone said "closed". Thanks Hog! I'd say that clears the whole issue up! 

Yes. We need less government.


No mention of, Number of blades, handle length, or thickness of a blade.


So a folding knife, with a 3-3/4" - 4", long handle, (no molded grip, or locking device)

With Two, (or more), blades, (perhaps thicker than normal).

each blade, under 2.36", (measured from the end of the handle),

and the blade/s, no wider than 1/2",  'should' be OK.


If I find one like this, (not the teni tiny ones),

I will Also, print out a copy of the TSA's rules.

Then, if challenged,

I just have to find a TSA agent, that can read the English language.




And then after you whip out a copy of the TSA's rules and show them, they take you away for a special strip-down for being a wise guy! LOL!

As long as I was not a, 'wise-guy' in the explaining.

I think a government employe, who is not doing their job,

has more to fear about loosing their job,

then I do from having to succumb to a strip search.

However, if that 'search', was to be conducted by, a attractive female.

Perhaps I would reconsider  LOL

Unfortunately it's going to be Bubba with a scowl on his face! LOL!

OK, this afternoon, I dumped out my, 'box'.  Found this.

A old Imperial (Ireland), 'cheep', pocket knife.

Guess I must of threw it their, when I bought’s a better one. (That da Minn a Sota Speak for those dant no)

(Did purchase a couple of new, GEC’s thinking one of them would make a good TSA knife with a little modification, and they are no doubt sitting in my Mail Box as we speak)

So this one, was a perfect one to ‘experiment’ on. Single blade, no lock, no ‘moulded’ grips, and the blade (as it was) was, “Just”, over the limit.  So, cleaned it up, cut off the blade, (to be measured to the the HILT, as to be under the TSA rules. So when ‘Bubba’, (who probably can’t read English, or the ‘marks on a ruler’), will be less threatened by my explanation, and copy of, the ‘rules’, I hand, him, (if he objects). Also, if the P&M match, escalates to the point of, ‘my missing a connecting flight’,  Very little money lost on surrender.  Of course if that would happen, ‘suddenly’ this, “Hand Crafted Knife”, is worth $100.00.   LOL

Plastic handle, ‘inexpensive’ SS blade, cleaned it up, cut off the tip, drilled a lanyard hole. And now, won’t feel, ‘Naked’, next time I fly.

Now, you all ask, “WHY”.  Well, looking at all the knives out their, one could  easily buy a China made knife, very, ‘cheaply’, which fits the new criteria.  And for many, that is a perfect solution. For me, it is not.  I am looking for something, ‘different’.  I also have the time to craft something. And the knowledge of: “I crafted that, I make that, I modified that, I designed that, etc”.". And that is exactly like someone paying 1,000.00 for a knife, and someone else saying, “You Paid What?”

So, if you desire, to, ‘make’ a  TSA, ‘approved’ knife. Here is just one, to look at, and gather your own ideas.





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