The community of knife collectors want to be able to say "Welcome". So, please let us know you have joined up with us here at iKnifeCollector- the next generation knife collector community

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hey scott, learned about this place from HELLZZARMY 's youtube vids. this is a really great thing you got going on here. Its awesome there is this many people here that enjoy this ancient art form. i have friends that like knifes but not how i like knifes. Im really glad i have found a community of good people that knows what im talking about. So thanks again, looking forward to meating some cool people.

-A. Hunt
Isn't nice when people think your a psycho just because you can appreciate true craftsmanship.
Richard Skinner said:
Hi folks,looks like a great place to be ,I got fed up with the side ways glances I get when people find out I have a knife collection so I am looking forward to making a few mates with a similar interest,No pic's of me yet but will upload soon ,I am sort of an ageing Harold Loyd with an English accent so you are not missing much.
Thanks for setting it up it is nice to know that at least here I will not be considered a candidate for the "rubber room party".
Hey guys, Crazy ain't necessarily a "Bad" thing.
Welcome aboard.

Isn't nice when people think your a psycho just because you can appreciate true craftsmanship.
Richard Skinner said:
Hi folks,looks like a great place to be ,I got fed up with the side ways glances I get when people find out I have a knife collection so I am looking forward to making a few mates with a similar interest,No pic's of me yet but will upload soon ,I am sort of an ageing Harold Loyd with an English accent so you are not missing much.
Thanks for setting it up it is nice to know that at least here I will not be considered a candidate for the "rubber room party".

Hello to all and thank you for allowing me to join.  I live in Houston Texas.  As I young man I grew up in a blacksmith shop that belonged to my grandfather.  At a very young age I learned some of the art of blacksmithing.  Everything from plow points to cattle guards and trailers were built in grandaddy's shop.  We also built knives of all kinds.  During WWII grandaddy built knives for the Army and he taught me how to forge and form them.  I don't have a blacksmith shop,  but have a makeshift shop of sorts.  I restore and build knives ( on a very small level )  Mostly I do this just for my own enjoyment.  As I am getting older and have more patience, I have begun to collect various items that present the possibility of being a "blade"  

My interest in knives and blacksmithing has stayed with me all my life and I do collect knives.   The knives that I have made have been created with limited tools.  Even though I do have the funds to buy all the fancy equipment, the thought is to build the tools I work with.  Of course files and stones and stuff like buffing wheels etc, I buy. One of my most prize posessions is the anvil that grandaddy left me.  Several tongs and hammers that came from the old blacksmith shop still hang proudly in my "shop"   I hope to finish building my own grinder and will post some pictures up soon.  Thanks again for welcoming me.  I look forward to reading your postings and gaining some of the vast knowlege that you all posess.

Welcome to iKnife John.

John Otis Swatsell said:

Hello to all and thank you for allowing me to join.  I live in Houston Texas.  As I young man I grew up in a blacksmith shop that belonged to my grandfather.  At a very young age I learned some of the art of blacksmithing.  Everything from plow points to cattle guards and trailers were built in grandaddy's shop.  We also built knives of all kinds.  During WWII grandaddy built knives for the Army and he taught me how to forge and form them.  I don't have a blacksmith shop,  but have a makeshift shop of sorts.  I restore and build knives ( on a very small level )  Mostly I do this just for my own enjoyment.  As I am getting older and have more patience, I have begun to collect various items that present the possibility of being a "blade"  

My interest in knives and blacksmithing has stayed with me all my life and I do collect knives.   The knives that I have made have been created with limited tools.  I hope to finish building my own grinder and will post some pictures up soon.  Thanks again for welcoming me.  I look forward to reading your postings and gaining some of the vast knowlege that you all posess.

Yes, we are glad you joined us here. We have lots of fun as we share our crazy hobby ;)

John Otis Swatsell said:

Hello to all and thank you for allowing me to join.  

So glad you joined us John and what a great story of what got you going. Looking forward to any pictures you might post so that can share that memory with you. All the best!

John Otis Swatsell said:

Hello to all and thank you for allowing me to join.  I live in Houston Texas.  As I young man I grew up in a blacksmith shop that belonged to my grandfather.  At a very young age I learned some of the art of blacksmithing.  Everything from plow points to cattle guards and trailers were built in grandaddy's shop.  We also built knives of all kinds.  During WWII grandaddy built knives for the Army and he taught me how to forge and form them.  I don't have a blacksmith shop,  but have a makeshift shop of sorts.  I restore and build knives ( on a very small level )  Mostly I do this just for my own enjoyment.  As I am getting older and have more patience, I have begun to collect various items that present the possibility of being a "blade"  

My interest in knives and blacksmithing has stayed with me all my life and I do collect knives.   The knives that I have made have been created with limited tools.  Even though I do have the funds to buy all the fancy equipment, the thought is to build the tools I work with.  Of course files and stones and stuff like buffing wheels etc, I buy. One of my most prize posessions is the anvil that grandaddy left me.  Several tongs and hammers that came from the old blacksmith shop still hang proudly in my "shop"   I hope to finish building my own grinder and will post some pictures up soon.  Thanks again for welcoming me.  I look forward to reading your postings and gaining some of the vast knowlege that you all posess.

Hi Folks, 


I am a newbie.  I live in Mildura, Victoria, Australia.  I have always had a facination of knives but not really collected them.  I am now going to change that and would like to form a bayonet collection.  I am particuarly interested in bayonets that were made for the SMLE (Service Model Lee Enfield) rifle. 


I was wondering if there is a group dedicated to bayonets and Military knives.


Thanks for the great site.


Tim Rodger

Hey Tim

Well you are certainly welcome here- and I think you'll find our members the nicest knife guys/gals online anywhere.

I look forward to your active participation here, so thanks for posting here under New Members.


Regarding a group for bayonets and Military knives, I am pretty sure we don't have one for bayonets, and military- not really sure, sorry. Here's my suggestion- take some time and check out the existing groups to see if there are any that bleed over into the military aspect of knives, if not you might want to go to this forum. It is where members put out feelers to see what amount of interest there is for a new group.


If you have the time and energy- I know you already have the passion, which is important, after you visit and look at other groups and how they are set up, then feel free to start a Bayonets Group. There might be wisdom in combining it with the military, but you'd know better about that.  Let me know your thoughts once you look around a bit.



Tim Rodger said:

Hi Folks, 


I am a newbie.  I live in Mildura, Victoria, Australia.  I have always had a facination of knives but not really collected them.  I am now going to change that and would like to form a bayonet collection.  I am particuarly interested in bayonets that were made for the SMLE (Service Model Lee Enfield) rifle. 


I was wondering if there is a group dedicated to bayonets and Military knives.


Thanks for the great site.


Tim Rodger

Hello All! Just found the web site and have joined. Interesting and different layout. Lots to look at.

Hey Larry. Thanks for joining us here. I think you'll like it as you get to know us. If you need anything or have a question, feel free to let me know.


Larry Vickery said:

Hello All! Just found the web site and have joined. Interesting and different layout. Lots to look at.
  hello all...... I am new to knife collecting very new I just started about a month ago I was disabled in an auto accident three years ago and I use a speech program to print (you have to have somebody to blame when used don't spell some right) I would like to thank all those that welcomed me with open arms and I hope to learn a lot about the hobby and knives just from looking around I can see how much knowledge you all have. Since I am homebound I really needed something to occupy my time with, and I have always liked a good-looking knife, so I hope I don't bore you to death being a newbie. I've spent a couple of thousand dollars on a late-night show buying knives (I don't know if you're allowed to use names) and finally got fed up with customer service representatives. How I found this site I'm not really sure just from browsing but the people seemed honest, open and friendly so I hope I have time to some of you and learn more about knives thank you again for letting me become a member.

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