Hello All,


I may be all washed up but with existing clues and knowns along with a couple of mine, do you think it could be?


1) 4 3/8"

2) Pen and Spear opposite ends

3) Swell Center

4) Page 33

5) Pattern #46


And a couple from me although I could be wrong....


1) Think #26, #36, #46 pattern

2) A whale in the ocean in simplist term be called ?

3) When you hear someone get excited and Say it was a Whaler..... What is the word that comes into mind?


I like the name.....



Views: 276

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Wow, is right. I can't think of anything better say than WOW! That's one big fish and that's one great knife. Sai Bon!



To me that is the nicest knife there could ever be...... Above awesome.



WOW, and above awesome are great ways to describe this newest Beast of a Beauty  I wish I could show each of oyu in person just how impressive this knife is.  I knowyou have all seen the ebony on the GEC site and if another one comes out before I leave I will get some pics for you.  The internet at the shop is  a little hard to manage but I will make sure tomorrow we get some pics and talk to some folks for everyone
That ship looks just like my boat. How many women work there? There sort of the un song heros, but they are big contributors to the knife world. Tell Miss Chris "everyone appreciates her hard work".


I had an opportunity to speak with a few of the women yesterday and will be putting some info on them on the Bladesmith Babes within a day or so.  I am trying to reach most if not all of them before I leave and just get a little bit of knowledge on them .  I will pass your message on to Chris.  I will be doing a peice on her also.

I called today to get some raffle tickets and spoke to a young lady I thought might be Miss Chris but is was someone else. There must be several ladies working there. Thats great. Y'all have fun. I've been hawling furniture from an apartment in Lafayette back home for my oldest Grand daughter and bringing the other to the DMV to get her first drivers liceince. What a day for an old paw paw.


You have had tickets in the box since I got here..I am pulling for you my friend.  It does sound like a very busy day indeed.  I had an opportunity this morning to see the Cocobolo's as they were being placed in their tubes.  I gotta tell you, this one is special

Cocobolo is such a nice wood, it has a calming effect. Tell em they have some knife fans down here.
I saw one yesterday...wow

Yeah,You can them on EBay for $455. Somebody from Meadville,PA has had two them on there.

So much for "one per customer".


Chris says hello.

Jack, I hope you got some lunch..The pig roast was wonderful and I sure had alot of fun serving


It was one per customer, there were two gentlemen that came from meadville just to get them for ebay.  I would be willing to bet they listed them togeather.


How much did the Rendezvous knives sell for from GEC if you were one of the ten folks each day lucky enough to get the opportunity? I think that it is a bit sad that people make a big profit off of things like this but I guess that they gave someone (who had deep pockets and) who could not attend the Rendezvous a chance to own one. Not me though - too rich for my blood at $500 each! Maybe they will donate their profits to the Wounded Warrior Project?

Sounds like a good time was had by all. I was checking all of the forums and GEC's site several times a day for updates and pictures. Thank you and Donnie for keeping us all posted as best you could. I hope to make the trip up to PA for a Rendezvous one of these years and look forward to meeting you and Donnie, the super folks at GEC, Johnny TwoShoes and lots of my other fellow GEC knife fans. Hope that you all have a safe and enjoyable trip back to sunny FL. How many times will Case ask - "Mom, are we there yet?" Been there, done that with my two kids.


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