We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.

SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.

What are your favorite EDC's?   What is your EDC lineup?

This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.

So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.

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Doing well Robert TY! I sold two so far, about 8 more to go but they are only two days old so we have time!

Robert Burris said:

How are your pups doing, Steve. Mine are starting to eat a little and I think all are sold but two. I am keeping a Blue Tick Male, there's only one not spoken for. They are both line bred Galla Creek parents. Mountain Treeing Feist, squirrel dogs.   Gallacreek.com check them out. If you want one from there, you have to drive there, he does not ship puppies.

Thanks Ron, we got home last night about 9:30pm. Had a safe trip, Thanks for the comment - I will be carrying today, not sure just what yet.
Ron Cooper said:

Ken, I know that feeling of being naked and empty. It's like leaving the house without your wallet. I hate that feeling! Have a safe trip home. I just wanted you to know that I can truly empathize. It will be over soon!

Cheers, my friend -- Bon Voyage!

Ken Spielvogel said:

I can't carry today, i am getting on Jet home, bad feeling without a knife in my pocket, feel empty, like something is missing, and it is. Will be home tonight.

Back home surrounded by my knives: Carrying today a Buck 301

good knife,im packing a svord peasant knife today.

Steve, that is a neat looking Colt.

This one in a nice sheath on the belt:

And this one in the pocket:

That Gunstock Queen of yours is one of my all time favorite knives, Alexander. It's a winner for sure!

Alexander Noot said:

This one in a nice sheath on the belt:

Me too Ron. I just fell for that one pretty much the minute I got it. I lost if for half a year once and I was heartbroken. Then after a long time finding it again I was overjoyed!

So I celebrated by getting it engraved.

Also gave me a bit of an appreciation for the joy of the father in the Parable of the Prodigal son when his child comes home after having been lost.

It also has a crack in one of the scales. It fell on the floor once and half the scale popped off. I glued it back on and it's now barely visible. (One of the big advantages of this type of bone jigging)

Alex, great looking knives, I can see how you would get attached to that Gunstock. Good comparison with the Prodigal.

Those are sure sweet for EDC knives.

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