We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.

SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.

What are your favorite EDC's?   What is your EDC lineup?

This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.

So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.

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Carrying to Church today: Boker Solingen

Hunting today so back to my OT Muskrat.

Those that are interested, here is a link and image to the Elk Ridge Mini multi-tool similar to mine. The Elk RIdge appears a lot nicer with the wood grain scales.




I am doing the last, hopefully, of the leaves and the fall clean-up outside in the yard.  Today's knife is a GEC F&F Bullnose.  Nothing fancy but a great SOD style knife.  Yes, I am going to clean it up later this afternoon.

This is one of the first days I did not carry anything. I went to the Ohio Gun Collectors Show, thinking I would buy a knife and carry it the rest of the day, but I did not buy any knives. Kinda sad isn't it??

Carrying today to Church: Case 4 dot

ZT 0560 & Schrade USA 156OT

Today is Joyce and my 46 yrs Anniversary. We are going to town and start Christmas Shopping as is our custom. I will be carrying a Case peanut in my pocket today.

1979 Queen #20 - 5" Toothpick

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