We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.

SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.

What are your favorite EDC's?   What is your EDC lineup?

This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.

So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.

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Carrying today: Kissing Crane Yellow Mule Farm/Ranch Sodbuster made in China

Ken, that is some neat little knives. I gave a bunch away this past year and everyone loved them. They have a nice variety of handle materials also. 

Well today flor something different I had an Imperial Barlow knife on....Which I found to be very dull!!

Mt normal EDC was naughty and fell out of my pocket in the car. It was recovered, however due to its bad behavior I grounded it for the week-end.   Today's EDC was  a Rough Rider amber bone camp knife.  It was on its best behavior.

Yea, I changed my EDC for the weekend to. I'll try take a picture latter. It's a Sheffield England's, Richards Fishing knife. I used it today while fishing. I like it a lot as a fishing knife. It takes a grand edge and snaps open and closed. 

I love seeing what everyone carries each day. Knives are a real joy.

Tobias, I bought a red bone Camper just like yours when I was at SMKW. A high quality knife for sure.

Church is cancelled today, I am kinda stuck in the house, will carry my new KC sodbuster again today.

Yesterday to church and today to work. I'm just loving this knife. One of my favourite edc's.

I have a boker colubris fixed blade I used to break up cardboard boxes and a spyderco military I used to help take care of weeds in yard cutting off parts that were thorny n such.

Gonna carry my Spyderco Dragonfly today

Carrying today, a Cattaraugus Jack #22379

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