What do you have on you right now? Let me see your EDC blade.

Do you ever answer the question of "Do you have a knife on ya?" with "I got pants on don't I."  


I would love to see what everyone has in their pocket right now.  No cheating.  Post your every day carry knife and lets see what we all enjoy having on our person.

Tags: Carry, Day, Every

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I own a Pika II also but I have never carried it. Are they good knives in your opinion? It seems to be a solid knife, I just carry my Spyderco Native mostly and some sort of Swiss Army knife.

Billy Oneale said:

I'm at work computer, so I won't post pictures. I have on me a Benchmade Pika II lockback with the combo edge, a wood handled 3" 3 blade toothpick by Cut Brands and a 3" Stainless steel framelock from Winchester.

Wayne, it worked good for an EDC for me. It is a really tough knife for on of Benchmade's red box knives. I was able to saw through 1" to 1/2" tree branches with the serrated edge on mine.

You know Guys, I have watched this discussion since it began in June.  I have seen some wonderful knives and heard alot about how they are working out as EDC's.  Since typically my knife is in my pocketbook I only change it out every few months and only have a couple I actually carry.  I look at my sideboard, where Donnie keeps his EDC's and there are always...no less than 9 in that rotation.  You have changed my mind.  This week I am going to make the leap and have a regular rotation of what I carry.  Now to figure out what....... 

Thank you Billy, I may just start carrying it. I do love my Native though!!!!

Billy Oneale said:

Wayne, it worked good for an EDC for me. It is a really tough knife for on of Benchmade's red box knives. I was able to saw through 1" to 1/2" tree branches with the serrated edge on mine.

Good Stuff Jan,

I'm sure you'll enjoy the variety!

Hey all, this is my first post and it looks like a nice place to hang out!  I've got this bullet end jack and a Case peanut with me today.


Welcome Vicky...That is a wonderful EDC.  Today I carried a yellow rose 73.  Idecided Donnies EDC will suit my needs for carrying just fine

Today I'm carrying lightly:

Queen Gunstock with Amber Jigged bone and bolsters engraved by the Hudson Engraver.

Never thought much about it, Jan, but I'm in the same boat as Donnie. 

 My nightstand has 9 "pocket" knives that I choose from on a routine basis. 

Got several larger ones that stay there that aren't easily pocketable, but are users.


There are a couple that I never leave home without though, a Swiss-Tech Utili-Key and a CRKT PECK.

The Utili-Key stays in a pocket inside my cell-phone case and the PECK rides along outside.

In case you were wondering, the cigar box has another dozen or so of my wharnie mods.  But that's another story.

That Utili-key thing is AWESOME JJ.  They way the both ride along on the cell phone is pretty cool.  Leaves room in the pocket for a favorite EDC.

Back when I worked in the Pen, I carried one of these on my key ring...

I like the mini milti tools.

What Pen?

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