What knife related presents did you receive this Christmas?

I received 2 gift cards. One for the Knife Gallery at the Orange Mall and another for Plaza Cutlery at South Coast Plaza. Gonna get something nice from both places.

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Knife related presents............replacement stones for my Lansky sparpener, and some money.......to buy knives.

Knife related?  Sheaths I got Sheaths!  Pic's tomorrow :)

Brad, wow, you got some gift certificates to some AWESOME knife stores!

Sharp knives and money to get more knives to sharpen?  Your a lucky man Craig

Edge Pro sharpener, but with 3 Shapton glass stones instead of the standard ones, an angle cube, a kangaroo leather strop and .5 micron diamond spray.

Nicely done Manx! I have 5 Shapton Glass Stones and holders, a Box of Vintage knives(about 20), a gift certificate for knives(Shep Hills), a Vintage Case lockback, a tactical knife, a Wolf knife(Mother-in-Law) a Custom Knife and sheath, two Redhead knife sheaths(large and small folder holders), a small Rough Rider stockman. That's all I can think of right now.....

Hubby he got this years candy cane case muskrat, dang,,,,I didn't get anything sharp this year!

You musta been REALLY bad! 

No Sharp for Sue?  Thats an outrage!  We need a new Campaign ...Sharp for SUE!!!!!

Leather for my new iKC beauty and an iKC anvil for my desk.

Those are nice. I need some of those.

Jan Carter said:

Leather for my new iKC beauty and an iKC anvil for my desk.

I just remembered I had this sheath from an auction win last year. Got a Schrade 194OT and this sheath for less than $20.

It is Stamped "DE" over the number "4".

Got this Christmas present today from my friend Joe. Thank you Joe.

Spyderco K2.

Congratulations Brad! Would he like another friend? :)

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