Got to ask everybody. What's that one knife that keeps eluding you in your search?

That one knife that would seem to complete that emptiness in your knife collectiong heart?

For me, it's hard to choose, there are so many!

I sawan old Schrade automatic knife when I was a young boy, and that thing blew my mind. The blade, the scales, everything was as clean and smooth as it could be......

Been looking for one like that ever since!

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Yes, except for the scales, that's just about it.

For me it's an A.G. Russell 2008 Texas Ranger. It's the only one in the series that I haven't been able to get my hands on. At the time I didn't have the funds to buy many knives. And now that I can afford it.....I can't find one anymore.

"What's that one knife that keeps eluding you in your search?"

Hmmm, can't think of any. I don't thnk there's ever been a "holy grail" knife for me. 

you are lucky then! LOL

Craig Henry said:

"What's that one knife that keeps eluding you in your search?"

Hmmm, can't think of any. I don't thnk there's ever been a "holy grail" knife for me. 

Well, I don't have a Lone Wolf PAUL knife custom from either Yellowhorse yet, nor a customized 110 from them or Painted Pony.  I could go on and on...

There used to be just that one for us.  Now there are too many of the "ones" to count.  I know my dream knife right now is a Ken Erickson, I have added a J.Mutz to the list very recently.  I did realize a dream of owning an HHH Damascus this past Christmas.

Heck I am going with my pat answer


Mine right now is a case backpocket in red stag. They don't make it yet. Thinking about sending mine to have it done but I haven't found anyone to do it yet that I trust with my edc.

Jan I think you have the bug real bad. lol

Jan Carter said:

There used to be just that one for us.  Now there are too many of the "ones" to count.  I know my dream knife right now is a Ken Erickson, I have added a J.Mutz to the list very recently.  I did realize a dream of owning an HHH Damascus this past Christmas.

Heck I am going with my pat answer


Yes, it keeps changing, but I have a strange craving for old knives that have been in polar regions... Anything found on a dead, frozen explorer, Circa 1800s would fit the bill.

Well good luck with the search for that one Drew, please let us see it.  Before clean up and after pics would be really cool LOL

jan i own myself own a HHH in blue walrus tooth ivory,JOHAN DAMASCUS{which is amazing}...y9ou sid realized...do you onw one!!??...

Jan Carter said:

There used to be just that one for us.  Now there are too many of the "ones" to count.  I know my dream knife right now is a Ken Erickson, I have added a J.Mutz to the list very recently.  I did realize a dream of owning an HHH Damascus this past Christmas.

Heck I am going with my pat answer


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