Our poll question asks for your opinion and please consider these choices or if necessary add your own and explain.

  1. Knife Publications(Magazines)Print
  2. Knife Forums -A whole bunch of those
  3. The Internet in General -I Google/Yahoo all my news
  4. I am on Facebook all the time so if something come up I am good
  5. Other social media - Twitter,etc
  6. other

Tags: Facebook, Knife, Twitter, breaking, forums, internet, news, publications

Views: 493

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There is one I did not think of, but a good source of information past. thanks Sue.

Sue OldsWidow said:

7. Knife books by vintage knife collectors

We hope you are getting your knife news right here as we do work hard to insure you get the latest!

YEP, Yep, yep.

Steve"Hog"Hanner said:

We hope you are getting your knife news right here as we do work hard to insure you get the latest!

I don't understand, what book is Miss Sue talking about? Ya'll right, here, is where I get my news. New movies, books, magazines, new makers, old makers, new knives dealers about everything you could ask for right here. Oh yea, up dates on the Blade Show.


I was referring to hard copy knife books that have been written throughout the years by many of the knife dealers and knife collectors. You know like Sargent,Levine,Dewey Ferguson and his wifeas a few examples...those type books.

Thanks Miss Sue, I understand now. Sometimes I have trouble understanding and being understood.

Here, Facebook, Twitter.

Thanks Tobias Jan and I do try to keep you up to date on most things and the members are a valuable source! We don't get everything yet but we try. Thank you by the way!

Tobias Gibson said:

Here, Facebook, Twitter.

Knife World, Blade, and, first and foremost.............iKC.

thanks Craig, I appreciate it and so does Jan. I do agree on Knife World, its just a great place for in depth discussion of knives and often mirrors some of the things we speak of here. I like being in synch with them!

Knife World is exceptional for reviewing new and old makers alike.  I like Blade for the new custom makers, they do a good job with it.  All in all my fav place is here.  Everyone shares when they find something new!!

Actually,I use all the above. Each source has it's own,unique contribution to make. Knife publications are great for background info in general and some developing trends.Forums of course you get real time thoughts from the actual collectors/users. Conversation,discussions of all phases of the Hobby and thoughts about wants,needs and just about anything to do with Knives.The Internet in general lets you know up to the minute information from Manufacturers, Distributors,Dealers,Shows and just about anything you can think of. Social Media is about more personalized, specific contacts.I also attend and display at Gun Shows,Knife Shows and Outdoor Shows. Here is where you interact with all the people who don't use any of the aforementioned media.

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