Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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Thanks Johnny, That means alot coming from a great writer like you. I want to make sure enough people read part one before I post part two.
Oh yea, I'm gonna post some pictures of the rabbits and hunters after the hunt.

I can't wait to see the pics and hear the rest of the story. I hunt a lot, but rabbits I don't get out for enough. I'll be trying to improve upon that. I love the picture as well, great knife and a perfect specimen. 


Keep writing my friend, I'm reading.

Bret888 & myself hunt.  We hunt ducks, pheasants, turkeys, and deer mostly. 


I am reading also Robert.  But I liked it being a 2 foot lodge :)



Great pics, we love pics and stories too.


Great pics, and beautiful buck, congrats. : )

It looks like some good family traditions are being passed down, Great Eastern Cutlery, and the Great Outdoors. 

Part 2, Devil Swamp Rabbit Hunt   

    I called my good friend and long time hunting partner Danee and told him about the invite for a rabbit hunt at Devil's Swamp. Danee had never hunted in that swamp before, so he had to depend on my knowledge of the area. He had hunted in the Atchafalya swamp all his life and was very skilled at hunting in the swamp. I explained to him the layout, the river on one side, the Baton Rouge Bayou and Charlie's Lake on the other. Plenty of room on all sides for Mr. Rabbit to get away. We would have to hunt at the ridge and not get coaxed into following a rabbit into the swamp. "Hold our ground, that's the plan!" I explained to Danee.
    I went on to tell my Cajun friend that we would travel there by two boats. The 3 landowners would travel in one boat, Danee and I in the other with a dog box containing our beagle hounds. The boat with the landowners would stop midway in the swamp. I gave them a compass reading (mostly due east) to travel by until they reached the ridge. They would then string out North and South along the ridge, about 150 yards apart. Danee and I would travel in byway of Baton Rouge Bayou until we reached the Ridge. He would let me out with the dogs and then travel back to the Mississippi River and head down to the other end of the Ridge, cutting off all escape routes for the rabbits. After everyone was in position, Danee would blow his hunting horn 2 times, which I would answer with 2 blows on mine, and the hunt would begin.
    I turned loose the hounds and tried to drive them down the Ridge towards the waiting hunters. It didn't take long before Ole' Blue let out a double then a triple chop howl, letting me know he had jumped and was driving our quarry in the direction of the hunters. Soon the rest of the pack of wel seasoned rabbit hounds would join Ole' Blue in the chase, with the hound's music carring through the swamp like a Cajun band on a Saturday night.

Great, keep it up Robert, you definitely have my attention. : )

I love the way you descriptively narrate the tale, it's puts me right by your side in that old marsh. Great pic as well, looks like an adventure waiting to happen, I can't wait to see some more pics.

Stay tuned in for part 3.


I am looking forward to part 3.  Great story

I'll post some more pictures soon. We found some old photos that y'all might enjoy.
Looking forward to it


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