Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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That is the best way to bring up the little ones. He will remember that all his life, I know I remember my humts with my father and grand father to this day.

Yes I hunt Quail and Chucker, In the high deserts of California. Been hunting since I was 12. 

Terry, thats awesome.

Memories made at a young age last the longest.

Andre, that is a heck of a trophy, congrats to your son and to yourself. I'm sure that will stick with you guys for quite a while.

What cal is that rifle?

Yes they do Johnny, I can remember those days like they were yesterday. 


johnny twoshoes said:

Terry, thats awesome.

Memories made at a young age last the longest.

Andre, that is a heck of a trophy, congrats to your son and to yourself. I'm sure that will stick with you guys for quite a while.

What cal is that rifle?

We tried to bump some rabbits up this afternoon, but no luck. We're heading out for deer in a few minutes, I'll let you guys know what happens.

I'm heading to my camp for a few days to do a little squirrel and rabbit hunting. I also plan to do some catfishing, they have been bitting lately. I have a bunch cleaned and ready for a fish fry saturday night. I envited all the hunters from neighboring camps to come and eat supper with me. There ain't nothing like a hungry Cajun at a fish fry...lol


Rabbit hunting's been slow, but we've been able to catch quite a few catfish.

    Hunted moose in Northern British Columbia for many years. In particular I managed to take 2 large bulls. One spread at 59 3/4" and the other at 54" . The bull at 54" made the British Columbia record book. I have also hunted Rocky Mountain Goat and I full mounted a large one. Elk is probably my most enjoyable to hunt. I also hunted black bear, mule deer and whitetail deer with a bow.  I have also hunted Stone sheep with a bow but was not quite successful. I managed to wiggle my way near a group, concentrating on a particular ram. The group came close , very close, some within 15 yards and the ram I was looking at was about 30 yards away but I did not think it was quite legal so " oh, well" , actually  it was more like "sh...!" The photo of the sheep horns was a winter kill I found! These are some of my prize possessions other than my first grouse!

Wow Jeff, that is some great tropies, please tell us about the hunt and any pictures you may have. Thanks again for sharring the pictures already. If there is a story to go with each trophy, please tell us about it.  We will all enjoy it.

I just got back from the camp, we ended up with 15 catfish, 8 rabbits and some guys in a camp up the road from us killed a wild hog. It was a great weekend. I'll post a picture or two later.

That would be awesome Robert, sounds like you had a great time my friend.

Did the Moose seen any action?

You bet Johnny, I cleaned the rabbits and fish with it. I also used my GEC fixed blade.


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