Have a simple discussion with another collector and one topic is always bound to occur - someone will ask, "what do you collect?" Sometimes the answer is simple - Folders or Fixed blades. Spend more than 5 minutes anywhere in iKC, and you will discover that it is never that simple. 

There are as many knife collecting genre's as there are in Rock 'n Roll music. With Rock 'n Roll, we have American Traditional, Bar Band, Garage Band, Heavy Rock, Acid Rock, Metal, Bubble Gum, Hip Hop, Heartland Rock, Pop, Latin Rock, Retro Rock, Classic Rock, Folk Rock, Swamp Pop, and Rockabilly Revival (whatever that is) just to name a few. 

With knives, yes we have the folders and the fixed blades. These then break down in to types of folders and fixes blades. With folders you have your Congress, Whittler, Toothpick, Camp, Swiss Army, Saddle horns, Canoes, Lock backs, and Switchblades, to name a few. With fixed blades we have our Bowies, Skinners, Survival, Combat/Military/Fighters, Hunting, Trackers, and Daggers.

Add to this all the flavors and options one can have - Production vs Bench made, Damascus vs Stainless Steel, Cross-overs, USA vs Everyone else made, New vs Vintage....you get the idea.

All of this is the easy stuff. but what about these collectible genres:

 - Marketing knives

 - Reproductions

 - Rip-offs (a collection of intentionally made rip-offs can be quite a collection!)

 - Wooden

 - With tang stamps only

 - Knives with the letter "Z" in its name

 - Knives with 17 blades or more

 - Knives with broken tips

 - Knives once owned by Presidents

 - Trench-made (referring to knives made or modified by soldiers in the theater of battle)

What are some of the Off Center collection genres that you have or interest you? Let's see what you have!

Tags: Collecting, Collection, Collections, Genres, Staring, a

Views: 1173

Replies to This Discussion

Lars, I have several of that genre and feel the same way about them.  Will never part with them.

Ha! Even though sometimes we should! I have decided to make such pieces my friend and over state them. After all, they were given to me with the best of love and intentions....so why not give them their own display case....and defend it's quality when others take pot shots at it (even if you agree on the inside!). 

I will have to admit though that it is sometimes hard to say to the folks...."Thank you! This is the best knife ever!"

Charles Sample said:

Lars, I have several of that genre and feel the same way about them.  Will never part with them.

I just posted a new discussion of a knife & weapon genre that I dabble in - Ethnographic & Aboriginal pieces. Take a read if this sounds interesting to you.


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