HI, Been looking around the benchmade website , and there so many nice looking knifes .Wanted to know what knife yall liked so far by benchmade . I like the 710 by benchmade so far im looking for a knife for EDC . Thanks For Your Time & God Bless You.

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Up till yesterday one of my favorite EDC Benchmade knives was the Presidio 522 With the drop point and partial serration. My wife carries a yellow handled mini griptilian with the sheepfoot blade and "spiderco" looking hole in the blade. This knife is very solid and I wish I had bough one for myself. Instead I just bought the 556 mini griptilian. Amazing! I fell in love with this knife the minute I laid my hands on it! I got a large hand, but the 556 rides it well. Has not left my pocket since Monday. Used it for small chores around the house and office. Compact and superb. I would definately recommend it to everyone that needs a small but efficient knife.  

My favorite Benchmade for EDC is the Bedlam automatic.  I carry it almost every day.

I love my 585 Mini Barrage. It is one of my EDC knives. I don't go anywhere without it (except govt. buildings).

I carry my 707 almost everywhere I go. I love that knife, it has never failed me in whatever task I need! I might try carrying the 51 Morpho I just bought though, see how that works out.

ole grippy the griptilian, the g10 model

Mini AFCK 812S

Brad Hyde said:

I carry my Benchmade Rift (950SBK) from time to time...it's a great heavy duty knife. I really would love to be able to carry my Infidel (3300) but because of the laws in the state I live in...I don't.


White River Knives

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