Is there any better choice for an EDC then a good ole sod buster?

I haven't had one for some time and came across one at the local Lowe's store a week of so ago. Been carrying it and and remembered just what I loved about these little guys!

the first one I had was a standard Sod Buster, this one is a Sod Buster junior. Saying that, it really is a great knife to have in the pocket.

Love the feel of the handle, the blade is very sharp, and it's weight it perfect. I also like the fact that I can carry this tool without too much concern about the bolsters and handle being marred or scratched.

I really love the fact that for $20.00 you can carry a good Case knife and not have the worry (at least the worry I have) of loosing a sink load of money if something goes wrong.

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Very good point... I do notice when Im carrying a Micrortech I worry about losing it,Constantly grabbing my pocket. When carrying a nice Case knife im checking the Bolsters every time I pull it out,looking to see if I scratched them.My latest craze (as I refer to it) is Boot knives. I dont leave home with-out one.Doubt seriously if I would actually use it unless my life was in real Danger.Just dont tell anyone.! LOL

I agree, Scott, takes the edge off when you carry something that didn't break the bank and still functions like it should!

This is why I carry a good old Victorinox.  Actually two good ol' Victorinox Knives.  A Spartan Lite and Midnite Manager.    While a single blade knife is very handy, I often need  the other tools more than the knife blade!  This way I always have two ink pens, a nail file, a pair of scissors a couple screw drivers, bottle openers, scribing tool,  and two small flashlights with me at all times.  A sodbuster is a great knife, but my Vics rarely let me down and the price is hard to beat. 

My old buster Jr.

Sometimes, a whittler just won't do...

I used to have a Case Sodbuster. Used to. I used to carry it everyday. Used to. But then one day I discovered Mr. Peanut. And Mr. Peanut has been stalking me ever since. And so has Case for that matter.


Wonder why Case ever quit making Boot Knives, Its a1992 I Grabbed on E-Bay. Very near mint

Anyone have an idea of its Value ?

Very nice!!!

I saw one recently sell for $95.00

Scott R Gordon said:

The boot knife is nice!

The sodbuster is just such a handy piece to have in your pocket, good shape and size blade.  Handy tool

Sorry guess it isnt a sod buster not sure why I posted it here and why It posted twice Im not sure

Scott R Gordon said:


White River Knives

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